The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from multiple datasets. You can find a link to the parent datasets in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived
Receptors derived for the Clarence-Moreton subregion/bioregion, as at 21st August, 2015, in ESRI shapefile format. A receptor is a point in the landscape where water-related impacts on assets are measured and/or estimated. All receptors within this dataset are listed in the receptor register as described in BA Product 1.4: 'Description of the receptor register for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion'.
Dataset History
Receptor assignment for all records (other than those where lc_name = 'economic') was determined using a Python script.
Inputs were the Geofabric surface catchments (ea1b6f6c-e8a3-4c78-a463-044c89857fc0) and network geodatabases (d84e51f0-c1c1-4cf9-a23c-591f66be0d40), plus the Clarence-Moreton land classification dataset (a1d97959-d0f9-4deb-ab9b-af88120efd07), with PFAFstetter level defined as level 6.
The code created a receptor (point) for each polygon within the Clarence-Moreton land classification dataset. The resultant ESRI shapefile dataset is Geographic project, GDA94 datum. The following attributes are defined for each record:
'distance' - from receptor to nearest PFAFstetter node
'asset' id - 'asset' here being the input Clarence-Moreton land classification dataset, 'id' is the input dataset's FID
'node_id' - hydro-id of the nearest (hydrologically speaking) downstream Geofabric PFAFstetter node
'node_area' - the upstream area for the catchment relating to the node id
'latitude' - geographic y location (decimal degrees)
'longitude' - geographic x location (decimal degrees)
'lc_name' - land classification name
'RegID' - region ID, unique for the Clarence-Moreton subregion/bioregion
Usually one receptor per polygon was created, but two or more were created when a polygon intersected with more than one PFAFstetter catchment.
For some coastal catchments, where there is no Geofabric node, receptors were not produced. For the Clarence-Moreton subregion/bioregion, this was not considered to be a serious problem as coastal areas are not relevant to the conceptual modelling and risk assessment processes of a BA.
For point-based economic receptors (lc_name = 'economic'), each receptor point was defined according to the location of economic point-based assets within the water-dependent assets database (451eddb7-1c1d-40c8-8dd3-375b564e2507). These were not run through the Python code and therefore do not have 'distance', 'ass_id', 'node_id' or 'node_area' attribute information. These points are all defined as 'lc_name' of 'economic' but note that the receptor register derived from this dataset defines each of these economic receptors as 'null'.
Refer to BA Product 1.4 'Description of the receptor register for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion', for further details.
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Receptors for the Clarence-Moreton subregion. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 10 July 2017, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/64b3d356-cfd8-4d23-92da-79396260b0ee.
Dataset Ancestors
Derived From QLD Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, Groundwater Entitlements 20131204
Derived From Combined Surface Waterbodies for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
Derived From Queensland QLD - Regional - NRM - Water Asset Information Tool - WAIT - databases
Derived From National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas (including WA)
Derived From Asset database for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion on 11 December 2014, minor version v20150603
Derived From NSW Office of Water Surface Water Entitlements Locations v1_Oct2013
Derived From Matters of State environmental significance (version 4.1), Queensland
Derived From Geofabric Surface Network - V2.1
Derived From Communities of National Environmental Significance Database - RESTRICTED - Metadata only
Derived From Geofabric Surface Catchments - V2.1
Derived From National Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDE) Atlas
Derived From QLD Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, Groundwater Entitlements linked to bores v3 03122014
Derived From Multi-resolution Valley Bottom Flatness MrVBF at three second resolution CSIRO 20000211
Derived From National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) v1.1
Derived From Birds Australia - Important Bird Areas (IBA) 2009
Derived From Australia - Present Major Vegetation Groups - NVIS Version 4.1 (Albers 100m analysis product)
Derived From Queensland QLD Regional CMA Water Asset Information WAIT tool databases RESTRICTED Includes ALL Reports
Derived From Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database
Derived From Queensland wetland data version 3 - wetland areas - WETCLASS: E, L, M, P, R
Derived From South East Queensland GDE (draft)
Derived From Geofabric Surface Cartography - V2.1
Derived From Asset database for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion on 19 August 2015.
Derived From Geofabric Surface Network - V2.1.1
Derived From Version 02 Asset list for Clarence Morton 8/8/2014 - ERIN ORIGINAL DATA
Derived From CLM - 16swo NSW Office of Water Surface Water Offtakes - Clarence Moreton v1 24102013
Derived From Species Profile and Threats Database (SPRAT) - Australia - Species of National Environmental Significance Database (BA subset - RESTRICTED - Metadata only)
Derived From Northern Rivers CMA GDEs (DRAFT DPI pre-release)
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb)
Derived From Ramsar Wetlands of Australia
Derived From Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3
Derived From NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917
Derived From Geological Provinces - Full Extent
Derived From Geoscience Australia, 1 second SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Derived From Commonwealth Heritage List Spatial Database (CHL)
Derived From Biodiversity status of pre-clearing and remnant regional ecosystems - South East Qld
Derived From CLM16swo NSW Office of Water Surface Water Offtakes processed for Clarence Moreton v2 06032014
Derived From CLM - Bore allocations QLD v02
Derived From CLM16gwl NSW Office of Water, GW licence extract linked to spatial locations in CLM v2 28022014
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v03
Derived From Queensland wetland data version 3 - wetland areas.
Derived From Groundwater Bores Without Licence NGIS QLD CLM 20150211
Derived From National Heritage List Spatial Database (NHL) (v2.1)
Derived From QLD Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, Surface Water Entitlements 131204
Derived From Asset database for the Clarence-Moreton bioregion on 11 December 2014, minor version v20150220
Derived From Land classification for the Clarence-Moreton preliminary assessment extent
Derived From QLD DNRM Licence Locations Linked to Cadastre Plan - v1 - 20140307
Derived From NSW Office of Water combined geodatabase of regulated rivers and water sharing plan regions
Derived From CLM16swo NSW Office of Water Surface Water Offtakes processed for Clarence Moreton v3 12032014
Derived From Australia World Heritage Areas
Derived From Multi-resolution Ridge Top Flatness at 3 second resolution CSIRO 20000211
Derived From New South Wales NSW Regional CMA Water Asset Information WAIT tool databases, RESTRICTED Includes ALL Reports
Derived From Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010
Derived From CLM Preliminary Assessment Extent Definition & Report( CLM PAE)
Derived From New South Wales NSW - Regional - CMA - Water Asset Information Tool - WAIT - databases
Derived From CLM16gwl NSW Office of Water Groundwater Licence Extract Clarence Moreton- Oct 2013
Derived From CLM16gwl NSW Office of Water_GW licence extract linked to spatial locations_CLM_v3_13032014
Derived From QLD DNRM Surface Water Licences linked to Spatial Locations - v1 20140313
Derived From QLD Petroleum Leases, 28/11/2013
Derived From Stein Index Classification for Streams National 20150513
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v02
Derived From Australia, Register of the National Estate (RNE) - Spatial Database (RNESDB) Internal
Derived From QLD Current Exploration Permits for Minerals (EPM) in Queensland 6/3/2013
Derived From NSW Office of Water Groundwater Entitlements Spatial Locations
Derived From Mitchell Landscapes NSW OEH v3 2011
Derived From Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (DIWA) Spatial Database (Public)
Derived From Version 01 Asset list for Clarence Morton 10/3/2014 - ERIN ORIGINAL DATA
Derived From Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2010 (Not current release)