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Geofabric Surface Network - V2.1.1


This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied:

The Geofabric Surface Network product provides a set of related feature classes to be used as the basis for production of consistent hydrological surface stream network analysis. This product contains a topographically consistent representation of the (major) surface water features of Australia (excluding external territories). Primarily, these are natural surface hydrology features but the product also contains some man-made features (notably reservoirs and other hydrographic features).

The Geofabric Surface Network product is based upon the input from ANUDEM Derived Streams V1.1.2 (ANUDEM Streams) which is the vectorised version of the nine second ANUDEM derived raster steams product. The product is related to, but distinct from, the stream network contained in the Geofabric Surface Cartography product. The network product represents the flow direction of streams over the surface of the terrain, based on the GEODATA Nine Second Digital Elevation Model (DEM-9S) Version 3. This product is more generalised than the Geofabric Surface Cartography and represents the main channels of the stream, particularly in areas where streams are heavily anabranched or disconnected.

In addition, the stream connectivity represents a stream flow over the terrain, regardless of the presence of a corresponding Geofabric Surface Cartography stream segment. This means that the Geofabric Surface Cartography product may represent a stream as an interrupted or intermittent feature, whereas this product represents the same stream as a continuous connected feature. That is, the path that a stream would take (according to the terrain model) if sufficient water were available for flow. This product is fully topologically correct which means that all the stream segments flow in the correct direction. It also has full connectivity based on the flow of water across a terrain model.

This product contains six feature types including: Waterbody, Network Stream, Network Node, Catchment, Network Connectivity (Upstream) and Network Connectivity (Downstream).


This product contains a topographic representation of the (major) surface water features of 'geographic Australia' excluding external territories. It is intended to be used as the basis for production of consistent surface stream network analysis.

Geofabric Surface Network is intended to be used in stream flow tracing operations, using its full topological connection. The product can support the spatial selection of associated hydrological features as inputs for spatial analysis/modelling.

This product is intended to supplement the Geofabric Surface Cartography, Geofabric Surface Catchments and Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments data products. This product is also used to support the definition of the Geofabric Surface Catchments and Geofabric Hydrology Reporting Catchments products and provides a spatial framework for analysis and assessment of streams and their catchments.

Dataset History

This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied:

Lineage statement: Geofabric Surface Network is part of a suite of Geofabric products produced by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The geometry of this product is largely derived from the ANUDEM Derived Streams V1.1.2 (ANUDEM Streams). It consists of water bodies such as swamps, reservoirs, lakes, etc as derived from AusHydro V1, as well as the stream lines and stream line connectors through these water bodies. The ANUDEM Streams are firstly vectorised to be usable in vector line feature format and are then informed and modified by the coincident locations of the AHGFMappedStream feature class. The features are organised into specific feature class subtypes, based upon both the inputs from the AusHydro V1.7.2 and their behaviour within the AHGF Network Stream relationships. All of the AHGFNetworkStream and AHGFWaterbody features participate in the connected stream flow topology.

This product also contains the AHGFCatchment features that are derived from the National Catchment Boundaries V1.1.4. The AGHFCatchment feature class consist of the lowest level stream flow catchments based upon the inputs from ANUDEM Streams. The catchment boundaries are based upon a single AHGFNetworkStream extent over GEODATA National 9 Second DEM grid. These catchments form the basis of aggregated catchment boundaries, either by Contracted Nodes or by Pfafstetter ID Levels.

All of these features participate in the connected stream flow topology.

Changes at v2.1

! Addition of Beta Monitoring Point Table including 479 ghost nodes

  connected to the network.

- New Water Storages in the WaterBody FC.

Changes at v2.1.1

! Replacement of Beta Monitoring Point Table and inclusion of 3,310

(formerly 479) ghost nodes connected to the stream network.

! 16 New BoM Water Storages attributed in the AHGFWaterBody feature class

and 1 completely new water storage feature added.

- SegnoLink attribute update to fix single catchment feature in Tasmania.

- Correction to spelling of Numeralla river in AHGFMappedStream (formerly


! Metadata updated adding explanation of AHGFNetworkStream AusHydroEr codes

and revision made to description of DrainID field.

- Fixed a series of NoFlow catchments (small internally draining catchments

not related to a stream segment) in Murray-Darling were incorrectly

attributed as externally draining via the ExtrnlBasn field in


! Usage of the MergedSink attribute changed from v2.1 (see

HR_Catchments_Technical_Overview.pdf for more info).

Processing steps:

  1. ANUDEM Streams dataset is received and loaded into the Geofabric development GIS environment.

  2. Feature classes from ANUDEM Streams are recomposed into composited Geofabric Feature Dataset Feature Classes in the Geofabric Maintenance Geodatabase.

  3. Re-composited feature classes in the Geofabric Maintenance Geodatabase Feature Dataset are assigned unique Hydro-IDs using ESRI ArcHydro for Surface Water (ArcHydro: and ApFramework:

  4. Feature classes from the Geofabric Maintenance Geodatabase Feature Dataset are extracted and reassigned to the Geofabric Surface Network Feature Dataset within the Geofabric Surface Network Geodatabase.

A complete set of data mappings, from input source data to Geofabric Products, is included in the Geofabric Product Guide, Appendices.

Dataset Citation

Bureau of Meteorology (2014) Geofabric Surface Network - V2.1.1. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/d84e51f0-c1c1-4cf9-a23c-591f66be0d40.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Geofabric Surface Network - V2.1.1
Type Dataset
Language eng
Licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/, (c) Commonwealth of Australia (Bureau of Meteorology) 2014
Data Status active
Update Frequency never
Landing Page https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/c04ed3c6-1955-43d7-86eb-f9a07830f7a6
Date Published 2017-06-29
Date Updated 2022-04-13
Contact Point
Bioregional Assessment Program
Temporal Coverage 2017-06-29 00:00:00
Geospatial Coverage POLYGON ((153.6 -43.7, 153.6 -8.9, 112.9 -8.9, 112.9 -43.7, 153.6 -43.7))
Jurisdiction NONE
Data Portal data.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Bioregional Assessment Program