The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
The difference between QLD DNRM groundwater entitlements v2 and v3 is that an additional column has been added, 'Asset Class' that aggregates the purpose of the licence into the set classes for the Asset Database. Also, when processing the surface water licences, groundwater licences were found amongst the surface water licences and these have now been included in the groundwater licences instead.
This dataset is for the purposes of including water entitlements (water extractions) as Economic Assets into the Asset Database
Dataset History
The difference between QLD DNRM groundwater entitlements - v2 and v3 is that an additional column has been added, 'Asset Class' that aggregates the purpose of the licence into the set classes for the Asset Database.
Where purpose = domestic; or domestic & stock; or stock then it was classed as 'basic water right'. Where it is listed as both a domestic/stock and a licensed use such as irrigation, it was classed as a 'water access right.' All other take and use were classed as a 'water access right'.
Also, when processing the surface water licences, groundwater licences were found and these have now been included in the groundwater licences instead.
The worksheet '1 Lic per bore' has been adapted from the original dataset (extract from the QLD Dept of Natural Resource and Mines licensing data from the water management system).
'1 lic per bore' worksheet repeats the licence information against each bore it is assigned to. The lat/long in the worksheet is where DNRM have assigned the spatial location to the licence; however the 'hydroID' column can be joined to the NGIS to assign locations and depths to individual bores. Additional columns are also the number of bores per licence and the volume per bore (total entitlement / # bores). This means the data can be used per licence as an aggregate, or per bore. Per bore will help with assigning where the aquifers extraction is occurring, but will be quite detailed. This dataset allows the user to assign the licence to individual bores without double counting the entitlement. Linking to the bores will also allow us to allocate a depth/ aquifer to the licence
The worksheet 'all data' is the original dataset obtained from DNRM:
This dataset is an extract from the QLD Dept of Natural Resource and Mines licensing data from the water management system. The dataset includes basic right (domestic & stock) licences as well as groundwater licences to take & use groundwater (eg. irrigation, town supply etc). Groundwater licences can have an allocation as megalitres or a right to irrigate a certain number of hectares. There is no basic conversion to determine how many megalites/hectare. The volume allocated for domestic and stock also varies based on the management area. This information can be found resource operations plan or water sharing rules.
For licences that do not have a lat/long, property details are included. This could be tied to a cadastre layer.
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) QLD Dept of Natural Resources and Mines, Groundwater Entitlements linked to bores v3 03122014. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/68bbd3fb-6e2a-4088-a3dd-55cc44c2f0d6.
Dataset Ancestors