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Asset database for the Galilee subregion on 04 January 2016


The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This Galilee dataset contains v13+V12 of the GAL Asset database (GAL_asset_database_20160104.mdb), a Geodatabase version for GIS mapping purposes (GAL_asset_database_20160104_GISONLY.gdb), the draft Water Dependent Asset Register spreadsheet (BA-LEB-GAL-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-v20160104.xlsx), the draft Receptor Register spreadsheet (BA-LEB-GAL-140-ReceptorRegister-v20160104.xlsx), a data dictionary (GAL_asset_database_doc_20160104.doc), a folder (Indigenous_doc) containing documentation associated with Indigenous water asset project, and a folder (NRM_DOC) containing documentation associated with the Water Asset Information Tool (WAIT) process as outlined below

This database supersedes Asset database for the Galilee subregion on 10 September 2015 (GUID: c22a13bf-07ea-4eaa-960d-79d488a50496).

The updating in this V13+V12 GAL asset database 201600104 includes:

(1) Total number of registered water assets was increased by 79 due to: (a) The 9 assets changed their M2 test to "Yes" from the review done by Ecologist group. (b) 69 indigenous water assets from OWS were added.

(2) GAL receptor was included

The Asset database is registered to the BA repository as an ESRI personal goedatabase (.mdb - doubling as a MS Access database) that can store, query, and manage non-spatial data while the spatial data is in a separated file geodatabase joined by AID/Element ID/BARID. Assets are the spatial features used by project teams to model scenarios under the BA program. Detailed attribution does not exist at the asset level. Asset attribution includes only the core set of BA-derived attributes reflecting the BA classification hierarchy, as described in Appendix A of "GAL_asset_database_doc_20160104.doc", located in the zip file as part of this dataset. The "Element_to_Asset" table contains the relationships and identifies the elements that were grouped to create each asset. Detailed information describing the database structure and content can be found in the document "GAL_asset_database_doc_20160104.doc" located in the zip file.

The public version of this asset database can be accessed via the following dataset: Asset database for the Galilee subregion on 04 January 2016 Public (https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/eb4cf797-9b8f-4dff-9d7a-a5dfbc8d2bed)


For creation of asset list for bioregional assessment

The public version of this asset database can be accessed via the following dataset: Asset database for the Galilee subregion on 04 January 2016 Public (https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/eb4cf797-9b8f-4dff-9d7a-a5dfbc8d2bed)

Dataset History

VersionID Date Notes

1.0 23/12/2013 Initial database

1.01 3/02/2014 updated 207 Names in table AssetList using AssetName in table NRM_Water_Asset for those recodes from source WAIT_Burdekin

1.01 3/02/2014 removed the space at the beginning of Unnamed)_South Australian Arid Lands_66329 and (Unnamed)_South Australian Arid Lands_57834

1.01 20/02/2014 The database is not changed. About 36 self intersect polygons in spatial data were fixed. New shapefile name for polygon is Galilee_AssetList_geoPolygon20140220.shp

3.0 23/04/2014 "Updated universally changing ""AssetID"" to ""ElementID"" and changing the name of the ""AssetList"" table to ""ElementList"". A table to include Queensland threatened species data has also been added, and ElementIDs added to the ""ElementList"" table."

2.0 23/04/2014 Errors found after handover to CSIRO. Updated immediately to v3.0.

4.0 24/04/2014 Queensland threatened species data updated to new sequence of ElementIDs. New spatial data provided [NAME]

8 5/05/2014 It is generally ready except calcification and asset area

9.0 28/11/2014 "Add additional datasets such as QLD_DERM PR Waterbodies, QLD_DERM PR Waterbodies QLD RegionalEcosystems as request

Update GDEsub, GDEsur, QLD_ DNRM_ECON_GW QLD_ DNRM_ECON_SW as request"

10 22/05/2015 Updated database tables of AssetDecisions and AssetList for M2 and M3 test results

11 10/09/2015

(1) AID 70360 added for potential distribution of Largetooth Sawfish (Pristis pristis (Pristis microdon)). Attributes in additional attribute look-up table tbl_Species_EPBC_PristisPristis.

(2) The (brief) explanation for M2 decisions has been updated based on advice from the project team, replacing detailed explanations which were truncated in the Assetlist and AssetDecisions tables. The detailed explanation is retained in the DecisionReason field of the AssetDecisions table. Note there are no changes to decision outcomes or numbers of assets on the asset register;

(3) The draft BA-LEB-GAL-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-V20150910.xlsx as has been updated as an output of this database. The brief M2_decision replaces the extended decision rationale that was included in the last version of the spreadsheet.

(4) x15 elements associated with the (single) asset named "No_Asset" (AID = 0) were removed from the database (deleted from the AssetList, Element_to_asset and ElementList tables, and also from the element and asset polygon layers). These polygons were exact duplicates of other elements from the same source dataset and had been previously grouped as "No_Asset". This action will not affect the asset count for the asset list or the water dependent asset register.

12 24/12/2015 "Area calculations were removed from the spatial data and added to the assetList and elementList tables in

                                        this .mdb database. Area calculations were included for assets and elementlist line features.

                                        A total of 69 Indigenous elements were added to the ElementList table in the database, translating into an

                                         additional 69 indigenous assets which were added to the AssetList table.

                                         Of these 69 indigenous assets:

                                                  40 intersect the PAE and are included in the ""asset list"".

                                                  5 did not intersect the PAE, so did not pass ""M1"". These are retained in the AssetList table but

                                                   are ""switched off"" at M1 (i.e. M1 = 'No'). These are not considered part of the ""asset list"".

                                                  24 have no meaningful spatial component. These were added to the AssetList table, but ""switched

                                                    off"" at ""M0"" (i.e. not fit for purpose, M0 = 'No') and therefore are not consodered part of

                                                   the ""asset list""."

13 4/01/2016 "(1)(a) Added table ReceptorList in GAL_asset_database_20160104.mdb, using the data file from GAL project

                                            team (b) Created draft BA-LEB-GAL-140-ReceptorRegister-v20160104.xlsx (c) Added table

                                             tbl_Receptors in GAL_asset_database_20160104.mdb and GM_GAL_ReceptorList_pt (created by ERIN

                                              using the location data from GAL project team)  in GAL_asset_database_20160104_GISONLY.gdb,; (d)

                                             Add SQL query "Find_used_Receptor_a" and "Find_used_Receptor_b" for extracting all used receptor for

                                               the register.

                                          (2)(a)Updated M2 test for GAL from GAL_Species_TEC_decisions_reveiw_23112015.(b) Created draftBA-


Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2013) Asset database for the Galilee subregion on 04 January 2016. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/12ff5782-a3d9-40e8-987c-520d5fa366dd.

Dataset Ancestors

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Asset database for the Galilee subregion on 04 January 2016
Type Dataset
Language eng
Licence Restricted access. This dataset is not available for public distribution.
Data Status active
Update Frequency never
Landing Page https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/042b0fb7-b5dc-444d-9ce1-41858fffbe43
Date Published 2016-09-16
Date Updated 2023-08-09
Contact Point
Bioregional Assessment Program
Temporal Coverage 2016-09-16 01:13:41
Geospatial Coverage POLYGON ((0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0))
Jurisdiction NONE
Data Portal data.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Bioregional Assessment Program