The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from multiple datasets. You can find a link to the parent datasets in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.
Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 24 February 2016 (V2.5) supersedes the previous version of the HUN Asset database V2.4 (Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 20 November 2015, GUID: 0bbcd7f6-2d09-418c-9549-8cbd9520ce18). It contains the Asset database (HUN_asset_database_20160224.mdb), a Geodatabase version for GIS mapping purposes (HUN_asset_database_20160224_GISOnly.gdb), the draft Water Dependent Asset Register spreadsheet (BA-NSB-HUN-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-V20160224.xlsx), a data dictionary (HUN_asset_database_doc_20160224.doc), and a folder (NRM_DOC) containing documentation associated with the Water Asset Information Tool (WAIT) process as outlined below. This version should be used for Materiality Test (M2) test.
The Asset database is registered to the BA repository as an ESRI personal goedatabase (.mdb - doubling as a MS Access database) that can store, query, and manage non-spatial data while the spatial data is in a separate file geodatabase joined by AID/ElementID.
Under the BA program, a spatial assets database is developed for each defined bioregional assessment project. The spatial elements that underpin the identification of water dependent assets are identified in the first instance by regional NRM organisations (via the WAIT tool) and supplemented with additional elements from national and state/territory government datasets. A report on the WAIT process for the Hunter is included in the zip file as part of this dataset.
Elements are initially included in the preliminary assets database if they are partly or wholly within the subregion's preliminary assessment extent (Materiality Test 1, M1). Elements are then grouped into assets which are evaluated by project teams to determine whether they meet the second Materiality Test (M2). Assets meeting both Materiality Tests comprise the water dependent asset list. Descriptions of the assets identified in the Hunter subregion are found in the "AssetList" table of the database.
Assets are the spatial features used by project teams to model scenarios under the BA program. Detailed attribution does not exist at the asset level. Asset attribution includes only the core set of BA-derived attributes reflecting the BA classification hierarchy, as described in Appendix A of "HUN_asset_database_doc_20160224.doc ", located in this filet.
The "Element_to_Asset" table contains the relationships and identifies the elements that were grouped to create each asset.
Detailed information describing the database structure and content can be found in the document "HUN_asset_database_doc_20160224.doc" located in this file.
Some of the source data used in the compilation of this dataset is restricted.
The public version of this asset database can be accessed via the following dataset: Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 24 February 2016 Public 20170112 v02 (https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/9d16592c-543b-42d9-a1f4-0f6d70b9ffe7)
Dataset History
OBJECTID VersionID Notes Date_
1 1 Initial database. 29/08/2014
3 1.1 Update the classification for seven identical assets from Gloucester subregion 16/09/2014
4 1.2 Added in NSW GDEs from Hunter - Central Rivers GDE mapping from NSW DPI (50 635 polygons). 28/01/2015
5 1.3 New AIDs assiged to NSW GDE assets (Existing AID + 20000) to avoid duplication of AIDs assigned in other databases. 12/02/2015
6 1.4 "(1) Add 20 additional datasets required by HUN assessment project team after HUN community workshop
(2) Turn off previous GW point assets (AIDs from 7717-7810 inclusive)
(3) Turn off new GW point asset (AID: 0)
(4) Assets (AIDs: 8023-8026) are duplicated to 4 assets (AID: 4747,4745,4744,4743 respectively) in NAM subregion . Their AID, Asset Name, Group, SubGroup, Depth, Source, ListDate and Geometry are using
values from that NAM assets.
(5) Asset (AID 8595) is duplicated to 1 asset ( AID 57) in GLO subregion . Its AID, Asset Name, Group, SubGroup, Depth, Source, ListDate and Geometry are using values from that GLO assets.
(6) 39 assets (AID from 2969 to 5040) are from NAM Asset database and their attributes were updated to use the latest attributes from NAM asset database
(7)The databases, especially spatial database, were changed such as duplicated attributes fields in spatial data were removed and only ID field is kept. The user needs to join the Table Assetlist or Elementlist to
the spatial data" 16/06/2015
7 2 "(1) Updated 131 new GW point assets with previous AID and some of them may include different element number due to the change of 77 FTypes requested by Hunter assessment project team
(2) Added 104 EPBC assets, which were assessed and excluded by ERIN
(3) Merged 30 Darling Hardyhead assets to one (asset AID 60140) and deleted another 29
(4) Turned off 5 assets from community workshop (60358 - 60362) as they are duplicated to 5 assets from 104 EPBC excluded assets
(5) Updated M2 test results
(6) Asset Names (AID: 4743 and 4747) were changed as requested by Hunter assessment project team (4 lower cases to 4 upper case only). Those two assets are from Namoi asset database and their asset names
may not match with original names in Namoi asset database.
(7)One NSW WSP asset (AID: 60814) was added in as requested by Hunter assessment project team. The process method (without considering 1:M relation) for this asset is not robust and is different to other NSW
WSP assets. It should NOT use for other subregions.
(8) Queries of Find_All_Used_Assets and Find_All_WD_Assets in the asset database can be used to extract all used assts and all water dependant assts" 20/07/2015
8 2.1 "(1) There are following six assets (in Hun subregion), which is same as 6 assets in GIP subregion. Their AID, Asset Name, Group, SubGroup, Depth, Source and ListDate are using values from GIP assets. You will
not see AIDs from AID_from_HUN in whole HUN asset datable and spreadsheet anymore and you only can see AIDs from AID_from_GIP ( Actually (a) AID 11636 is GIP got from MBC (B) only AID, Asset Name
and ListDate are different and changed)
(2) For BA-NSB-HUN-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-V20150827.xlsx, (a) Extracted long ( >255 characters) WD rationale for 19 assets (AIDs:
8682,9065,9073,9087,9088,9100,9102,9103,60000,60001,60792,60793,60801,60713,60739,60751,60764,60774,60812 ) in tab "Water-dependent asset register" and 37 assets (AIDs:
60774,60792,60793,60798,60801,60809,60811,60812) in tab "Asset list" in 1.30 Excel file (b) recreated draft BA-NSB-HUN-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-V20150827.xlsx
(3) Modified queries (Find_All_Asset_List and Find_Waterdependent_asset_register) for (2)(a)" 27/08/2015
9 2.2 "(1) Updated M2 results from the internal review for 386 Sociocultural assets
(2)Updated the class to Ecological/Vegetation/Habitat (potential species distribution) for assets/elements from sources of WAIT_ALA_ERIN, NSW_TSEC, NSW_DPI_Fisheries_DarlingHardyhead" 8/09/2015
10 2.3 "(1) Updated M2 results from the internal review
\* Changed "Assessment team do not say No" to "All economic assets are by definition water dependent"
\* Changed "Assessment team say No" : to "These are water dependent, but excluded by the project team based on intersection with the PAE is negligible"
\* Changed "Rivertyles" to "RiverStyles"" 22/09/2015
11 2.4 "(1) Updated M2 test results for 86 assets from the external review
(2) Updated asset names for two assets (AID: 8642 and 8643) required from the external review
(3) Created Draft Water Dependent Asset Register file using the template V5" 20/11/2015
12 2.5 "Total number of registered water assets was increased by 1 (= +2-1) due to:
Two assets changed M2 test from "No" to "Yes" , but one asset assets changed M2 test from "Yes" to "No"
from the review done by Ecologist group." 24/02/2016
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Asset database for the Hunter subregion on 24 February 2016. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/a39290ac-3925-4abc-9ecb-b91e911f008f.
Dataset Ancestors