The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
As outlined in the Methodology for bioregional assessments of the impacts of coal seam gas and coal mining development on water resources (the BA methodology; Barrett et al., 2013), the development of a water-dependent asset register is integral to undertaking a bioregional assessment.
An asset is an entity having value to the community and, for bioregional assessment purposes, is associated with a bioregion. A bioregion is a geographic land area within which coal seam gas and or coal mining developments are, or could, take place and for which bioregional assessments are conducted. A water-dependent asset has a particular meaning for bioregional assessments; it is an asset potentially impacted by changes in the groundwater and or surface water regime due to coal resource development. Some ecological assets are solely dependent on incident rainfall and will not be considered as water dependent if evidence does not support a linkage to groundwater or surface water. The water-dependent asset register is a simple and authoritative listing of the assets within the preliminary assessment extent (PAE) that are potentially subject to water-related impacts. A PAE is the geographic area associated with a bioregion or subregion in which the potential water-related impact of coal resource development on assets is assessed. The compiling of the asset register is the first step to identifying potentially impacted assets, which is the goal of the overall bioregional assessment.
Information about entities having value to the community and that might be affected by waterrelated impacts of coal seam gas (CSG) and large coal mining development is collated from a range of sources into a table of assets within the asset database. There are three types of assets: (i) ecological, (ii) economic and (iii) sociocultural. Many ecological and sociocultural assets were obtained from state and national sources.
Generating the water-dependent asset register requires the development of a comprehensive georeferenced relational database known throughout this submethodology as the asset database. The asset database holds all assets compiled for a BA and the register lists the subset of assets that meet the water dependency criteria, as defined in Section 4. As there may be many assets within each asset class for each bioregion or subregion, each asset must have a unique identifier (AssetID). A single asset is represented spatially in the asset database by single or multiple spatial features (point, line or polygon). Individual points, lines or polygons are termed 'elements' and must also have a unique identifier (ElementID). An element is a spatially discrete unit and is recorded individually in the element tables.
Assets can be made up of one or more elements. Elements are linked to assets in the database via the 'Element_to_asset' table (see Appendix Table A.2 in CompilingWaterDependentAssets.pdf in AnR_Documentation folder). An example of the relationship between assets and elements is given in Figure 5 which shows that the asset (Coolibah-Black Box Woodlands of the Darling Riverine Plains and the Brigalow Belt South Bioregions, listed within the EPBC Act as a threatened ecological community) is composed of 3453 elements.
For creation of asset list for bioregional assessment
Dataset History
The history of this dataset:
20/09/2013 Initial database
1/10/2013 primary water dependence for species data and primary quality assessment for all assets
10/04/2014 change AssetID to ElementID in all tables and GIS data
10/04/2014 add vulnerability table to the database
10/04/2014 Put the updated documents from CMA to The directory in WRON
23/04/2014 "Updated universally changing ""AssetID"" to ""ElementID"" and changing the name of the ""AssetList"" table to ""ElementList"". A table to include Queensland threatened species data has also been added, and ElementIDs added to the ""ElementList"" table."
23/06/2014 updated to include new assets and elements identified by community.
Compiled for the Office of Water Science (OWS) Bioregional Assessment Programme.
Refer to associated documentation: AnR data description 20130925.doc
Source datasets:
Source code: WAIT: Burdekin; Desert Channels; Fitzroy; QMDC; SA; Southern Gulf; ERIN; QMDC_ERIN; SWQLD_ERIN
Description: Assets identified by the CMAs/NRMs. In datasets labelled "ERIN" some work was undertaken by ERIN to develop or add to spatial datasets provided/not provided by CMAs/NRM bodies.
Custodian: Burdekin; Desert Channels; Fitzroy; QMDC; Southern Gulf; SA Government; OWS/ERIN
Source code: DIWA
Description: Important wetlands from the "Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia" that intersect the Preliminary Assessment Extent (PAE).
Custodian: Department of the Environment
Source code: EAD
Description: (Water) Environmental Asset Database (EAD), based on descriptions from the CEWH. Identifies specific features of the Namoi and Barwon Rivers and fringing wetlands, and Lake Goran.
Custodian: Department of the Environment
Source code: GAB_GW_Recharge
Description: Identifies areas of groundwater recharge of the Great Artesian Basin.
Custodian: Geoscience Australia
Source code: CAPAD
Description: Compiled information on protected areas from state and territory Governments and other protected area managers, published in the Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database (CAPAD) 2010, which identifies protected areas from this dataset that intersect the PAE.
Custodian: Department of the Environment
Source code: GDEsub
Description: identifies components of ecosystems that may rely on the subsurface presence of groundwater (includes vegetation ecosystems).
Custodian: Bureau of Meteorology
Notes: Likely to contain spatial overlaps with other assets
Source code: GDEsur
Description: identifies components of ecosystems that may rely on the surface expression of groundwater.
Custodian: Bureau of Meteorology
Notes: Likely to contain spatial overlaps with other assets
Source code: IBA
Description: Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are sites of global bird conservation importance. Each IBA meets one of four global criteria used by BirdLife International. Identifies important bird areas (Bundurra-Barrabas and Pilliga) occurring within the PAE.
Custodian: Birds Australia
Source code: KEA_streams
Description: Identifies the physical parts of the Murray-Darling River system which provide habitat for the plants, animals, fish, invertebrates and microbes and combine to make the ecosystems of the Murray-Darling Basin. The data represents KEAs occurring within the Namoi PAE, mainly associated with the Namoi, Barwon and Mooki Rivers and Currabubula Creek.
Custodian: MDBA
Source code: KEA_waterbody_AH
Description: Identifies the physical parts of the Murray-Darling River system which provide habitat for the plants, animals, fish, invertebrates and microbes and combine to make the ecosystems of the Murray-Darling Basin. The data represents KEAs occurring within the Namoi PAE associated with Lake Goran.
Custodian: MDBA
Threatened Ecological Communities
Source code: TEC
Description: Modelled "known" and "likely" distributions of threatened ecological communities listed under the the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. TECs within the Namoi PAE include:
Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla dominant and co-dominant)
Coolibah - Black Box Woodlands of the Darling Riverine Plains and the Brigalow Belt South Bioregions
Natural Grasslands of the Queensland Central Highlands and the northern Fitzroy Basin
Semi-evergreen vine thickets of the Brigalow Belt (North and South) and Nandewar Bioregions
The community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin
Weeping Myall Woodlands
White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely''s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland
Custodian: Department of the Environment
Natural, Historic and Indigenous Heritage Places A number of different lists and registers exist of natural, historic and Indigenous heritage places throughout Australia. These are not comprehensive lists of heritage places, but lists of the places that have been identified and recorded up to the present time. The following registers include places which may be considered as assets under the Bioregional Assessments Program:
Source code: NatHeritage
Description: National Heritage List. Natural, historic and Indigenous places that are of outstanding national heritage value to the Australian nation.
Source code: RNE
Description: Register of the National Estate Archive of information about more than 13,000 places throughout Australia.
Custodian: Department of Environment
Source code: WHA
Description: World Heritage Areas
The World Heritage Convention aims to promote cooperation among nations to protect heritage from around the world that is of such outstanding universal value that its conservation is important for current and future generations.
Custodian: Department of Environment
Use Limitations Limited for use only for the Office of Water Science Bioregional Assessments Program. Refer to source dataset metadata as referenced in the AnR data description document provided.
Access Contraints Limited for use only for the Office of Water Science Bioregional Assessments Program. Some source datasets used in the compilation of this asset list are confidential. Refer to source dataset metadata as referenced in the AnR data description document provided.
Natural, Historic and Indigenous Heritage Places
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2013) Asset list for Hunter - CURRENT. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/51b1e021-2958-4cd3-8daa-ba46ece09d1c.
Dataset Ancestors