The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets.
The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement.
The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
Galilee BA water balance draft Burdekin.xls
This dataset is an Excel spreadsheet containing a pre-mining conceptual groundwater balance for the portion of the Galilee subregion within the Burdekin river basin. It details the known inputs (groundwater recharge) and outputs (groundwater use, groundwater discharge to springs and river, evapotranspiration and groundwater flow out of modelling area) for each aquifer within the modelling area and the area as a whole.
The process used to produce the dataset is described in the History metadata section
Galilee BA water balance draft Burdekin post mining.xls
This dataset is an Excel spreadsheet containing a pre-mining conceptual groundwater balance for the portion of the Galilee subregion within the Burdekin river basin. It details the known inputs (groundwater recharge) and outputs (groundwater use, groundwater discharge to springs and river, evapotranspiration, mine wateruse and groundwater flow out of modelling area) for each aquifer within the modelling area and the area as a whole.
The process used to produce the dataset is described in the History metadata section
These datasets were created because the analytical groundwater model of the Galilee subregion was not capable of producing a groundwater balance. Therefore a conceptual groundwater balance was needed so as to provide a baseline understanding of the groundwater budget within the portion of the Galilee subregion within the Burdekin river basin.
Dataset History
Galilee BA water balance draft Burdekin.xls:
The method used for the construction of the water balance is based on that developed for the Australian Water Resources Assessment 2005 (SKM, 2006).
The groundwater balance consists of inputs: rainfall and surface water recharge; and outputs: bore water use, discharge to rivers and springs, diffuse evapotranspiration (ET) and groundwater flow out of the modelling area.
The conceptual groundwater balance assumes that prior to drilling of groundwater bores that the groundwater system was in a steady-state condition with inputs equal outputs. Thus prior to development of the region:
Rainfall recharge + surface water recharge = Evapotranspiration + baseflow + spring discharge + groundwater flow out of the modelling area
Because of the relatively short period of consumptive groundwater use in the modelling area the modelling area has not developed a new equilibrium. Therefore, recent wateruse such as that from groundwater bores and/or mining are shown as a deficit within the water balance.
For maximum transparency, each item in the water balance is given a value, citation, date and an estimate of its accuracy.
In addition to the combined groundwater balance, the dataset contains a separate water balance for each aquifer unit within the groundwater modelling region: alluvium, Cadna-Owie-Hooray, Hutton Formation, Moolayember Formation, Clematis Group, Rewan Group, Upper Permian Coal Measures, and Joe Joe Group.
Galilee BA water balance draft Burdekin post mining.xls:
The groundwater balance consists of inputs: rainfall and surface water recharge; and outputs: bore water use, discharge to rivers and springs, mining wateruse, diffuse evapotranspiration (ET) and groundwater flow out of the modelling area.
The conceptual groundwater balance assumes that prior to drilling of groundwater bores that the groundwater system was in a steady-state condition with inputs equal outputs. Thus prior to development of the region:
Rainfall recharge + surface water recharge = Evapotranspiration + baseflow + spring discharge + groundwater flow out of the modelling area
Because of the relatively short period of consumptive groundwater use in the modelling area the modelling area has not developed a new equilibrium. Therefore, recent wateruse such as that from groundwater bores is shown as a deficit within the water balance.
For maximum transparency, each item in the water balance is given a value, citation, date and an estimate of its accuracy.
In addition to the combined groundwater balance, the dataset contains a separate water balance for each aquifer unit within the groundwater modelling region: alluvium, Cadna-Owie-Hooray, Hutton Formation, Moolayember Formation, Clematis Group, Rewan Group, Upper Permian Coal Measures, and Joe Joe Group.
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) Galilee water balance. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 07 December 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/573557cc-7877-4c1a-b13c-2845222a1cff.
Dataset Ancestors