The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from the Gloucester geological model. You can find a link to the parent dataset in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.
The data set contains the XYZ values extracted from the structural geological model constructed in RMS geomodelling for the Gloucester Basin. Eight geological formations and their depths from the surface are included covering a grid across the Basin. Also included is a topography layer derived from the SRTM DEM (GUID: ca38ed31-e15d-4bb5-a7ef-0aeba3dad3f4) representing the surface elevation from which these depths are measured. The geological model is based on measured depths recorded in Well completion reports published by mining companies and consultancies.
Depth structure maps (3D) extracted from the 3D grid - eroded and faulted geological model. True Vertical Depth SubSea (TVDss) Australian Height Datum (AHD), negative values represent elevation above sea level - RMS geomodeling.
Files in this dataset:
1.xyz Alum Mountain Volcanics
2.xyz Duralie Road Formation
3.xyz Mammy Johnsons Formation
4.xyz Waukivory Creek Formation
5.xyz Dogtrap Creek Formation
6.xyz Speldon Formation
7.xyz Wenhams Formation
8.xyz Jilleon Formation.
in addition:
Topo.xyz Topography
Coordonate system: GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_56
Dataset History
RMS geomodelling was used to construct the geological model for the Gloucester Basin. The data set contains the XYZ values extracted from the completed geological model. The model was built using data extracted from well completions reports published by mining companies and consultants which record the depth of various formations encountered during drilling works. These data were compiled into model input files (See data set: GLO Deep Well Locations and Depths of Formations V01 - e549473c-5b78-4279-8eeb-af86ca6522b3) used to build the RMS model.
Major fault trends and displacements were incorporated into to obtain a faulted geological model. These fault trends were included to accommodate misfits greater than 100 m between the extracted non-faulted and non-eroded horizons and the formation tops at wells. The RMS model determines the location of faults where misfits of greater than 100m are observed. This model was then eroded using the present-day surface topography. The final eroded and faulted model has a horizontal resolution of 200 x 200 m (x y), with 50 vertical layers for a total of 501,000 cells. The depth ranges between 665m above sea level and 1755 m below sea level.
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) GLO Geological Model Extracted Horizons Final Grid XYZ V01. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/18402b28-677e-45af-9860-067c258eea33.
Dataset Ancestors