The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from the Geoscience Australia, 1 second SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM) dataset. The source dataset is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
This dataset provides a userguide and setup information relating to accessing the Geoscience Australia, 1 second SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM), for visualisation and analysis using ESRI ArcMap and ArcCatalog.
The 1 second DSM, DEM, DEM-S and DEM-H are national elevation data products derived from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. The SRTM data is not suitable for routine application due to various artifacts and noise.
The data has been treated with several processes to produce more usable products:
* A cleaned digital surface model (DSM)
o regular grid representing ground surface topography as well as other features including vegetation and man-made structures
* A bare-earth digital elevation model (DEM)
o regular grid representing ground surface topography, and where possible, excluding other features such as vegetation and man-made structures.
* A smoothed digital elevation model (DEM-S)
o A smoothed DEM based on the bare-earth DEM that has been adaptively smoothed to reduce random noise typically associated with the SRTM data in low relief areas.
* A hydrologically enforced digital elevation model (DEM-H)
o A hydrologically enforced DEM is based on DEM-S that has had drainage lines imposed and been further smoothed using the ANUDEM interpolation software.
The last product, a hydrologically enforced DEM, is most similar to the DEMs commonly in use around Australia, such as the GEODATA 9 Second DEM and the 25 m resolution DEMs produced by State and Territory agencies from digitised topographic maps.
For any analysis where surface shape is important, one of the smoothed DEMs (DEM-S or DEM-H) should be used. DEM-S is preferred for shape and vertical accuracy and DEM-H for hydrological connectivity. The DSM is suitable if you want to see the vegetation as well as the land surface height. There are few cases where DEM is the best data source, unless access to a less processed product is necessary.
The 1 second DEM (in its various incarnations) has quite different characteristics to DEMs derived by interpolation from topographic data. Those DEMs are typically quite smooth and are based on fairly accurate but sparse source data, usually contours and spot heights supplemented by drainage lines. The SRTM data is derived from radar measurements that are dense (there is essentially a measurement at almost every grid cell) but noisy.
Version 1.0 of the DSM was released in early 2009 and version 1.0 of the DEM was released in late 2009. Version 1.0 of the DEM-S was released in July 2010 and version 1.0 of the hydrologically enforced DEM-H was released in October 2011. These products provide substantial improvements in the quality and consistency of the data relative to the original SRTM data, but are not free from artefacts. Improved products will be released over time.
The 3 second products were derived from the 1 second data and version 1.0 was released in August 2010. Future releases of these products will occur when the 1 second products have been improved. At this stage there is no 3 second DEM-H product, which requires re-interpolation with drainage enforcement at that resolution.
Dataset History
See readme file: readme file for gloucester basin 1sec srtm.xyz
This is ascii file created by CSIRO 3 september 2013 using Geosoft Oasis Montaj software
file is 1 second shuttle radar data (28.6 x 28.6 m) which has had buildings and vegetation removed
(processing by CSIRO and GA) DEM-S product
file format is gda94 easting, gda94 northing, height above sea level
mga zone 56 coordinates, all data in metres
origin (bottom left) is 379007E, 6400022N
1260 pts in east direction
2798 pts in north direction
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) GLO DEM 1sec SRTM MGA56. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/ca38ed31-e15d-4bb5-a7ef-0aeba3dad3f4.
Dataset Ancestors