This dataset was created within the Bioregional Assessment Programme for modelling purposes. Data has not been derived from any source datasets. Metadata has been compiled by the Bioregional Assessment Programme.
This dataset contains pilot points for prediction interpolation in the CLM groundwater model.
Dataset History
For the receptors in the uppermost layer of the model, emulators were only trained for 982 pilot points. These pilot points were selected using a bivariate normal distribution with mean centered on the CSG development with slightly manual adjustment. Predictions at other locations were interpolated based on the prediction at these pilot points.
Processing steps:
1200 Pilot points were generated using a bivariate normal distribution with mean centered on the centre of CSG development.
Remove redundant pilot points so that there are no multiple points within the same grid cell.
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Pilot points for prediction interpolation of layer 1 in CLM groundwater model. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 28 September 2017, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/e5d7d69a-629a-467d-87db-dd792808fca4.