This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This dataset contains reports and appendices related to the EIS for the Alpha Coal Project. Tables, figures and maps have been extracted from these reports to produce supplementary datasets.
This Coordinator-General's Evaluation Report is an extensive evaluation of the potential impacts of the Alpha Coal Project (the project). It has been prepared pursuant to section 35 of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (Qld) (SDPWO Act).
Dataset History
Individual reports within this dataset were downloaded from the QLD Government Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning website: http://www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/assessments-and-approvals/alpha-coal-project.html
Individual reports from the company were downloaded from Hancock Coal Pty Ltd: http://gvkhancockcoal.com/our-assets/alpha#alpha-coal-project-eis-2010
Dataset Citation
Geoscience Australia (2014) Alpha Coal Project Environmental Impact Statement. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/dba3cce8-f2c2-4e95-b74b-e5791dda6efa.