This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This data set contains information on Oil and Gas pipeline infrastructure. This dataset has been converted from Microstation format used in a map "Petroleum Exploration and Development Titles" published annually in APRIL. Attributes have been added to comply with data standards and minor coding of line work has been achieved using annotation from the map. Further data has been added, specifically for the specific Acreage Release Areas.
Dataset History
This dataset has been converted from Microstation format used in a map "Petroleum Exploration and Development Titles" published annually in APRIL. Attributes have been added to comply with data standards and minor coding of line work has been achieved using annotation from the map. Further data has been added, specifically for the specific Acreage Release Areas.
Further information can be found at http://www.ga.gov.au/metadata-gateway/metadata/record/gcat_a05f7892-d375-7506-e044-00144fdd4fa6/Oil+and+Gas+Pipelines+of+Australia
Dataset Citation
Geoscience Australia (2004) Oil and Gas Pipelines of Australia, Geoscience Australia. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 05 July 2017, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/cf647d62-adae-4c92-a430-9706e006eb1f.