This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This layer contains sun-shaded images of depth, isopach and two way time grids generated from seismic interpretation to the following horizons:
Top Winton Formation, Base of Tertiary, Top Cadnaowie Formation, Top Hutton Sandstone, Base Eromanga Basin (also referred to as Top Cooper Basin), Top Nappamerri Group, Top or near Top Permian Sediments, Toolachee Formation, Top Daralingie Unconformity & Correlative Unconformities level, Top Daralingie Sandstone Sediments, Top Patchawarra Formation, Base Patchawarra Formation, Glacial Sediments of Tirrawarra Sandstone or Merrimelia Formation and Basement or Top Warburton Basin in the Cooper Basin area in the north-east of South Australia. These grids form part of a database of seismically mapped subsurface depth, isopach and time grids, contours, faults and polygons interpreted from seismic mapping over the Cooper Basin area.
The sun-shaded seismic mapping images in this layer were created from Petrosys grids using ERMapper software. The image files (Georeferenced - TIFF format) are in GDA94 Geodetic projection. Depths are in metres below MSL datum.
Dataset History
These data sets are derived from well tops, seismic sections and some open file industry interpretations. Petrosys mapping and interpretation software were utilised for the entire project. Interpretations derived from basic seismic data, with some reference to open file industry and other data. Interpreted, compiled and edited by DMITRE. Final files produced by Energy Resources Division, DMITRE.
Dataset Citation
"SA Department for Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade, Resources and Energy" (2010) Cooper Basin Seismic Mapping Grids, South Australia. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 27 November 2017, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/cdd1625e-64e1-41da-bff4-2e26d0fd4ad1.