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Budget 2015-16 and Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) - Tables and Data

The 2015-16 Budget is officially available at budget.gov.au as the authoritative source of Budget Papers and Portfolio Budget Statement (PBS) documents. This dataset is a collection of data sources from the 2015-16 Budget, including:

  • The Portfolio Budget Statement Excel spreadsheets – Available after PBSs tabled in the Senate (~8.30pm Budget night).
  • A Machine Readable CSV of all PBS Excel Spreadsheet Line Items – Available after PBSs tabled in the Senate and translated (~8.30pm Budget night).

Data from the 2015-16 Budget are provided to assist those who wish to analyse, visualise and programmatically access the 2015-16 Budget.

Data users should refer to footnotes and memoranda in the original files as these are not usually captured in machine readable CSVs.

We welcome your feedback and comments below.

This dataset was prepared by the Department of Finance and the Department of the Treasury.

Information about the PBS Excel files and CSV

The PBS Excel files published should include the following financial tables with headings and footnotes. Only the line item data (table 2.2) is available in CSV at this stage. Much of the other data is also available in the Budget Papers 1 and 4 in aggregate form:

  • Table 1.1: Entity Resource Statement;
  • Table 1.2: Entity 2015-16 Budget Measures;
  • Table 2.1: Budgeted Expenses for Outcome X;
  • Table 2.2: Programme Expenses and Programme Components.
  • Table 3.1.1: Movement of Administered Funds Between Years;
  • Table 3.1.2: Estimates of Special Account Flows and Balances;
  • Table 3.1.3: Australian Government Indigenous Expenditure (AGIE);
  • Tables 3.2.1 to 3.2.6: Departmental Budgeted Financial Statements; and
  • Tables 3.2.7 to 3.2.11: Administered Budgeted Financial Statements.

Please note, total expenses reported in the CSV file ‘2015-16 PBS line items dataset’ was prepared from individual entity programme expense tables. Totalling these figures does not produce the total expense figure in ‘Table1: Estimates of General Government Expenses’ (Statement 6, Budget Paper 1).

Differences relate to:

  1. Intra entity charging for services which are eliminated for the reporting of general government financial statements;
  2. Entity expenses that involve revaluation of assets and liabilities are reported as other economic flows in general government financial statements; and
  3. Additional entities’ expenses are included in general government sector expenses (e.g. Australian Strategic Policy Institute Limited and other entities) noting that only entities that are directly government funded are required to prepare a PBS.

The original PBS Excel files and published documents include sub-totals and totals by entity and appropriation type which are not included in the line item CSV. These can be calculated programmatically. Where modifications are identified they will be updated as required.

If a corrigendum to an entities PBS is issued after budget night, tables will be updated as necessary.

The structure of the line item CSV is;

  • Portfolio
  • Department/Entity
  • Outcome
  • Program
  • Expense type
  • Appropriation type
  • Description
  • 2014-15
  • 2015-16
  • 2016-17
  • 2017-18
  • 2018-19
  • Source document
  • Source table
  • URL

The data transformation is expected to be complete by midday 13 May. We may put up an incomplete CSV which will continue to be updated as additional PBSs are transformed into data form.

The following Portfolios are included in the line item CSV:

  • Agriculture
  • Attorney General's
  • Communications
  • Defence
  • Education and Training
  • Employment
  • Environment
  • Finance
  • Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Health
  • Human Services
  • Immigration and Border Protection
  • Industry and Science
  • Infrastructure and Regional Development
  • Parliamentary Departments
  • Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Social Services
  • Treasury
  • Veterans' Affairs

Budget Paper Tables

We have made a number of data tables from the Budget Papers available in Excel and CSV formats.

Below is the list of the tables published and whether we’ve translated them into CSV form this year:

  • Budget Paper 1: Appendix A1 - Estimates of expenses by function and sub‑function
  • Budget Paper 1: Overview - Appendix C Major Intiatives
  • Budget Paper 1: Overview - Appendix D Major Savings
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 3 - Table 7: Reconciliation of underlying cash balance estimates
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 4 - Table 1: Australian Government general government receipts
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 4 - Table 7: Australian Government general government (cash) receipts
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 4 - Table 10: Reconciliation of 2015‑16 general government (accrual) revenue
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 4 - Supplementary table 3: Australian Government (accrual) revenue
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 10 - Table 1: Australian Government general government sector receipts, payments, net Future Fund earnings and underlying cash balance
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 10 - Table 4: Australian Government general government sector taxation receipts, non‑taxation receipts and total receipts
  • Budget Paper 1: Statement 10 - Table 5: Australian Government general government sector net debt and net interest payments
  • Budget Paper 4 Table 1.1 – Agency Resourcing
  • Budget Paper 4 Table 1.2 – Special Appropriations
  • Budget Paper 4 Table 1.3 – Special Accounts
  • Budget Paper 4 Table 2.2 – Staffing Tables
  • Budget Paper 4 Table 3.1 – Departmental Expenses
  • Budget Paper 4 Table 3.2 – Net Capital Investment

Change Log

  1. 22:30PM 12/05/2015 dataset first published
  2. 09:00 13/05/2015 machine readable csv updated to include data from National Museum of Australia, Australian Aged Care Quality Agency & Australian Institute of Family Studies.
  3. 15:30 13/05/2015 machine readable csv updated to include a column linking to resource file and fixed a few minor errors.
  4. 16:00 14/05/2015 have added several selected transformed tables from Budget Paper 4.
  5. 12:30 18/05/2015 several minor updates to CSV.
  6. 16:00 03/06/2015 added several machine readable Budget Paper 1 tables prepared by Department of the Treasury.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Budget 2015-16 and Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) - Tables and Data
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia
Data Status active
Update Frequency never
Landing Page https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/5b54386d-4b46-4736-87c5-28bd5ee38bcc
Date Published 2015-05-12
Date Updated 2023-08-11
Contact Point
Department of Finance
Temporal Coverage 2015-05-12 05:26:46
Geospatial Coverage http://www.ga.gov.au/place-names/PlaceDetails.jsp?submit1=GA1
Jurisdiction Commonwealth of Australia
Data Portal data.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Department of Finance