This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
Location of major structural features of the GAB. Includes major lineaments, faults and fold axis. Compiled from existing published and unpublished data sets (see Lineage for details) Data is available in Shapefile format This GIS data set was produced for the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment and used in: Figure 2.3 of Ransley TR and Smerdon BD (eds) (2012) Hydrostratigraphy, hydrogeology and system conceptualisation of the Great Artesian Basin. A technical report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia. Figure 3.1 of Smerdon BD, Ransley TR, Radke BM and Kellett JR (2012) Water resource assessment for the Great Artesian Basin. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia. This dataset and associated metadata can be obtained from www.ga.gov.au, using catalogue number 75834.
Dataset History
Scanned 1:250,000 scale Geological map series. Geoscience Australia 2010, Canberra.
Exon NF (1976) Geology of the Surat Basin in Queensland. Bulletin 166. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra.
Hoffmann KL (1989). The influence of pre-Jurassic tectonic regimes on the structural development of the southern Eromanga Basin, Queensland: in O'Neil BJ (editor) 'The Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Australia.' Proceedings of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins Conference, Adelaide, 1989. Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (South Australian Branches), Adelaide, 315-328.
Smart J and Senior BR (1980). Jurassic-Cretaceous Basins of north-eastern Australia. In: Henderson RA and Stephenson PJ (Eds), The geology and geophysics of north-eastern Australia. Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane, 315-328.
Wells AT and O'Brien PE (1994) Lithostratigraphic framework of the Clarence-Moreton Basin (with an appendix on drill-hole stratigraphy). Bulletin 241. Australian Geological Survey Organisation.
Flynn M (1989) The Mulkarra Structure: a possible buried impact crater in the western Eromanga Basin. In: O'Neil BJ (Ed). The Cooper and Eromanga Basins, Australia. Proceedings of Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia Society of Petroleum Engineers, Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SA Branches), Adelaide, 431-439.
Gorter JD, Gostin VA and Plummer P (1989) The Tookoonooka Structure: An enigmatic subsurface feature in the Eromanga Basin, its impact origin and implications for petroleum exploration. In: O'Neil BJ (ed.). The Cooper and Eromanga Basins Australia. Proceedings of Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SA Branches), 441-456.
Longley IM (1989) The Talundilly anomaly and its implications for hydrocarbon exploration of Eromanga astroblemes. In: O'Neil BJ (ed.). Proceedings of Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SA Branches), 473-490.
Young IF, Gunther LM and Dixon O (1989) GSQ Thargomindah-3: a stratigraphic test of a 'canyon-like' feature near the Tookoonooka complex, Eromanga Basin, Queensland. In: O'Neil BJ (Ed). The Cooper & Eromanga Basins, Australia. Proceedings of Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SA Branches), 457-452.
Geology of the Carpentaria and Kurumba Basins Queensland 1980 hard copy map compiled 1977 by J. Smart, H.F. Doutch, Miss D. M. Pillinger, BMR; K. G. Grimes, GSQ.
Senior and associates (1997). Geoscience Australia internal data set and contour interpretations by Senior B. Canberra, Groundwater Group, Environmental Geoscience Division, Geoscience Australia. METHOD: Paper based data sets were scanned as .tiff file formats. Scanned images were then rectified within ArcGIS and faults lines were heads up digitized on screen. Datasets from the various sources were then merged and duplicates removed.
Further information can be found at http://www.ga.gov.au/metadata-gateway/metadata/record/gcat_75834
Dataset Citation
Geoscience Australia (2013) Great Artesian Basin major geological structural elements (GABWRA). Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 07 December 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/8dbe0a37-408a-4458-b4cb-fb896b830cc5.