This dataset was supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and is presented here as originally supplied. Metadata was not provided and has been compiled by the Bioregional Assessment Programme based on known details at the time of acquisition.
This update of the National Groundwater Information System includes NSW bore and borelog data only. This data has not been incorporated into the National dataset as yet.
The NGIS geodatabase for was developed by lead water agencies from all States and Territories based on the NGIS data model, which was developed and maintained by the Bureau. Refer to the NGIS Data Dictionary and Schema Diagram (included) for further information on the NGIS data model.
The format for NGIS is an ESRI file geodatabase. ESRI ArcGIS Version 10 (or beyond) is needed to use NGIS.
The National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) is a geodatabase for storing nationally consistent groundwater data based on ESRI's ArcHydro for Groundwater data model. It focuses on bore and bore log (lithology, bore construction and hydrostratigraphy) data. It also includes georasters and geovolumes for selected areas.
The Bureau of Meteorology maintains the NGIS data model that standardises and spatially-enables groundwater data. The lead water agencies in each State/Territory (plus Water Corporation in Western Australia) export data from their corporate groundwater databases into State/Territory NGIS geodatabases. The Bureau of Meteorology maintains the NGIS data model and collates State/Territory geodatabases into the national geodatabase.
The data product extent is Geographic Australia (as defined by Acts Interpretation Act 1901). The product will be updated in December of each year following the receipt of updated State/Territory geodatabases at the end of September through the Water Regulations (Commonwealth legislation that requires agencies to deliver water data to the Bureau under the Water Act).
The NGIS contains the following datasets:
Bore - Point feature class that represents the location of a bore and associated attributes. Multiple independently screened bore pipes are regarded as a separate bore features.
Bore log - Hydrostratigraphy log. Table with strata classified into hydrogeological units along a borehole
Lithology log - Table with driller's or geologist's description of rock or sediment types along a borehole
Construction log - Table with bore construction information along a borehole (e.g. casing and screen)
Bore line - 3D line feature class that represents the hydrogeologic units along a borehole
Construction line - 3D line feature class that represents the construction information (e.g. casing and screen) along a borehole
Hydrogeologic unit - Table summarising hydrogeologic units and hydrogeologic complexes and their attributes. Includes both state/territory and National Aquifer Framework (NAF) terminology.
Dataset History
This update for NSW was comiled by NSW Office of Water and delivered to the Bureau to be ingested into the National Database.
The National Groundwater Information System is a spatial database that contains a range of groundwater information submitted by States and Territories. The system contains more than 800,000 bore locations with associated lithology logs, bore construction logs and hydrostratigraphy logs. 2D and 3D aquifer geometries are also available for some areas.
Hydrogeologic units within the system have been standardised for national consistency using the National Aquifer Framework.
For documentation on the data model, data dictionary and data product specification:
Dataset Citation
NSW Office of Water (2014) NSW Office of Water - National Groundwater Information System 20140701. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/7ab9820e-1e43-4600-8875-a0834345fb6d.