This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This dataset defines the boundaries of the 66 groundwater SDL resource units in the Murray-Darling Basin. These include 7 groundwater SDL resource units for deep groundwater that lie beneath the 59 groundwater SDL resource units. 2 of the groundwater SDL resource units have different boundaries in their surface expression and in deep groundwater and therefore are shown with both a Groundwater and Deep Groundwater extent.
In some areas, there are SDL resource units that overlap one another (eg: GS1). This occurs where SDLs have been set for discrete aquifers that overlie one another under the same area of land. These can be differentiated by the GWSDLName field.
There are areas of overlap between the groundwater and deep groundwater SDL resource units which need to be taken into account when viewing the data. These can be differentiated by the GWSDLType field
The Basin Plan provides a coordinated approach to water use across the Basin's four States and the ACT. The Basin Plan is a plan for the integrated management of Basin water resources made under the Water Act 2007. It limits water use at environmentally sustainable levels by determining long-term average Sustainable Diversion Limits for both surface water and groundwater resources.
Date of Ceasing: To be ceased 01 Apr 2023
Dataset History
The following data has been used in the development of groundwater SDL resource unit boundaries:
Queensland: - Upper Condamine Basalts (as contained in the data files titled: basalts.dbf, basalts.prj, basalts.sbn, basalts.sbx, basalts.shp, basalts.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 18/12/2009. - Texas beds (as contained in the data files titled: texas beds.dbf, texas beds.prj, texas beds.sbn, texas beds.sbx, texas beds.shp, texas beds.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 18/12/2009. - Griman Creek Formation (as contained in the data files titled: Griman Ck Formation.dbf, Griman Ck Formation.prj, Griman Ck Formation.sbn, Griman Ck Formation.sbx, Griman Ck Formation.shp, Griman Ck Formation.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 18/12/2009. - Great Artesian Basin geology (as contained in the data files titled: Geology.dbf, Geology.prj, Geology.sbn, Geology.sbx, Geology.shp, Geology.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 18/12/2009. - Queensland Murray-Darling Groundwater Management Units (as contained in the data files titled: QLD_MurrayDarling_GMU_GCS_v7.dbf, QLD_MurrayDarling_GMU_GCS_v7.prj, QLD_MurrayDarling_GMU_GCS_v7.sbn, QLD_MurrayDarling_GMU_GCS_v7.sbx, QLD_MurrayDarling_GMU_GCS_v7.shp, QLD_MurrayDarling_GMU_GCS_v7.shx) provided by SKM on 16/12/2009. - Geology sheet sh5502 (as contained in the data files titled: sh5502.dbf, sh5502.prj, sh5502.sbn, sh5502.sbx, sh5502.shp, sh5502.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 18/12/2009. - Geology sheet sh5501 (as contained in the data files titled: sh5501,dbf, sh5501.prj, sh5501.sbn, sh5501.sbx, sh5501.shp, sh5501.shx), provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 18/12/2009. - Geology sheet sh5513 (as contained in the data files titled: sg5513.dbf, sg5513.prj, sg5513.sbn, sg5513.sbx, sg5513.shp, sg5513.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 18/12/2009. - Geology sheet sh5609 (as contained in the data files titled: sg5609.dbf, sg5609.prj, sg5609.sbn, sg5609.sbx, sg5609.shp, sg5609.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland, on 18/12/2009. - Central Condamine Alluvium boundaries (as contained in the files:Central_Condamine_Amendment_Plan_Boundary_updatedApril2010.dbf, Central_Condamine_Amendment_Plan_Boundary_updatedApril2010.prj, Central_Condamine_Amendment_Plan_Boundary_updatedApril2010.sbn, Central_Condamine_Amendment_Plan_Boundary_updatedApril2010.sbx, Central_Condamine_Amendment_Plan_Boundary_updatedApril2010.shp, Central_Condamine_Amendment_Plan_Boundary_updatedApril2010.shx) provided by the Department of Environment and Resource Management on 27/5/2011 - DERM Revised Queensland Groundwater SDL Areas (as contained in the files: DERM_Revised_QLD_GW_SDL_AREAS.dbf, DERM_Revised_QLD_GW_SDL_AREAS.prj, DERM_Revised_QLD_GW_SDL_AREAS.sbn, DERM_Revised_QLD_GW_SDL_AREAS.sbx, DERM_Revised_QLD_GW_SDL_AREAS.shp, DERM_Revised_QLD_GW_SDL_AREAS.shp.xml, DERM_Revised_QLD_GW_SDL_AREAS.shx ) provided by the Queensland Department of Environment & Resource Management on 26/9/2011
New South Wales: - Groundwater macro water sharing plan areas (as contained in the data file titled: DraftGWMacroPlanOctober2010.mdb) provided by NSW Office of Water on 14/12/2010. - Groundwater macro water sharing plan areas (as contained in the data file titled: GWMacroPlanFeb2012.gdb) provided by NSW Office of Water on 8/3/2012.
Victoria: - Goulburn-Murray water boundary (as contained in the data files titled: G-MW_Boundary.dbf, G-MW_Boundary.prj, G-MW_Boundary.sbn, G-MW_Boundary.sbx, G-MW_Boundary.shp, G-MW_Boundary.shx) provided by Goulburn-Murray Water on 21/12/2009. - Murray geological basin (as contained in the data files titled: Murray_GB_250K.dbf, Murray_GB_250K.prj, Murray_GB_250K.sbn, Murray_GB_250K.sbx, Murray_GB_250K.shp, Murray_GB_250K.shx) provided by Sinclair Knight Merz on 14/12/2009. - Southern Campaspe Plain (as contained in the data files titled: S_Camp_Plains.dbf, S_Camp_Plains.prj, S_Camp_Plains.sbn, S_Camp_Plains.sbx, S_Camp_Plains.shp, S_Camp_Plains.shx) provided by Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, on 03/03/2010. - West Wimmera and Murrayville water sharing plan area (as contained in the data files titled: West_Wimmera_&Murrayville_WSPA.dbf, West_Wimmera&Murrayville_WSPA.prj, West_Wimmera&Murrayville_WSPA.sbn, West_Wimmera&Murrayville_WSPA.sbx, West_Wimmera&Murrayville_WSPA.shp, West_Wimmera&_Murrayville_WSPA.shx) provided by Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, on 11/01/2010. - Victorian groundwater management unit (as contained in the data files titled: Vic_GMU_gcs_v02.dbf, Vic_GMU_gcs_v02.prj, Vic_GMU_gcs_v02.sbn, Vic_GMU_gcs_v02.sbx, Vic_GMU_gcs_v02.shp, Vic_GMU_gcs_v02.shx) provided by Sinclair Knight Merz on 30/11/2009. - SA/VIC Border zone agreement area (as contained in the data files titled: Border_Agreement.dbf, Border_Agreement.prj, Border_Agreement.sbn, Border_Agreement.sbx. Border_Agreement.shp, Border_Agreement.shx) provided by Sinclair Knight Merz on 30/11/2009. - AWRC Basins (as contained in the data files titled: AWRC_BASINS.dbf, AWRC_BASINS.prj, AWRC_BASINS.sbn, AWRC_BASINS.sbx, AWRC_BASINS.shp, AWRC_BASINS.shx) provided by MDBA on 19/01/2009.
- Basin water resources exclusions contained in the data files titled westwimmera.dbf, westwimmera.prj, westwimmera.sbn, westwimmera.sbx, westwimmera.shp, westwimmera.shp.xml, westwimmera.shx provided by the Department of Environment on 14/11/2013
South Australia: - South Australian groundwater management unit (as contained in the data files titled: SA_GMU_gcs_v03.dbf, SA_GMU_gcs_v03.prj, SA_GMU_gcs_v03.sbn, SA_GMU_gcs_v03.sbx, SA_GMU_gcs_v03.shp, SA_GMU_gcs_v03.shx) provided by Sincliar Knight Merz on 30/11/2009. - SA/VIC Border zone agreement area (as contained in the data files titled: Border_Agreement.dbf, Border_Agreement.prj, Border_Agreement.sbn, Border_Agreement.sbx. Border_Agreement.shp, Border_Agreement.shx) provided by Sinclair Knight Merz on 30/11/2009. - Murray-Darling Basin Rivers (as contained in the data files titled: MDB_MAIN_RIVERS.dbf, MDB_MAIN_RIVERS.prj, MDB_MAIN_RIVERS.sbn, MDB_MAIN_RIVERS.sbx, MDB_MAIN_RIVERS.shp, MDB_MAIN_RIVERS.shx) provided by the MDBA on 19/01/2009.
- Basin water resources exclusions as contained in the data files titled: Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area1_IW.dbf, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area1_IW.prj, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area1_IW..sbn, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area1_IW.sbx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area1_IW.shp, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area1_IW.shp.xml, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area1_IW.shx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area2_IW.dbf, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area2_IW.prj, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area2_IW..sbn, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area2_IW.sbx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area2_IW.shp, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area2_IW.shp.xml, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area2_IW.shx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area4_IW.dbf, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area4_IW.prj, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area4_IW..sbn, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area4_IW.sbx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area4_IW.shp, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area4_IW.shp.xml, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area4_IW.shx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area5_IW.dbf, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area5_IW.prj, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area5_IW..sbn, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area5_IW.sbx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area5_IW.shp, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area5_IW.shp.xml, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area5_IW.shx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area6_IW.dbf, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area6_IW.prj, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area6_IW..sbn, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area6_IW.sbx, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area6_IW.shp, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area6_IW.shp.xml, Split_poly_MDB_PWRA_Area6_IW.shx, provided by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities on 27/5/2013 and 28/05/2013.
ACT: - ACT GMU Boundaries (as contained in the data files titled: ACT_GMU_gcs_v01.dbf, ACT_GMU_gcs_v01.prj, ACT_GMU_gcs_v01sbn, ACT_GMU_gcs_v01.sbx, ACT_GMU_gcs_v01.shp, ACT_GMU_gcs_v01.shx) provided by Sinclair Knight Merz on 30/11/2009.
State Borders: - State Borders (as contained in the data files titled: AUS_STATE_BORDER.dbf, AUS_STATE_BORDER.prj, AUS_STATE_BORDER.sbn, AUS_STATE_BORDER.sbx, AUS_STATE_BORDER.shp, AUS_STATE_BORDER.shx) provided by the MDBA on 19/01/2009.
Deep groundwater SDL resource unit boundaries:
Boundary for the Oaklands Basin (as contained in the files: OatlandsBasinWSPSept2011.dbf, OatlandsBasinWSPSept2011.prj, OatlandsBasinWSPSept2011.sbn, OatlandsBasinWSPSept2011.sbx, OatlandsBasinWSPSept2011.shp, OatlandsBasinWSPSept2011.shp.xml, OatlandsBasinWSPSept2011.shx ) provided by NSW Office of Water on 8/9/2011, dissolved to a single polygon
Mallee, Wimmera-Mallee and Goulburn-Murray deep groundwater areas have the same extent as the groundwater areas of the same name.
Gunnedah-Oxley Basin MDB and Sydney Basin MDB deep groundwater areas were derived by extracting and dissolving all the Gunnedah-Oxley Basin subcrop polygons from Groundwater macro water sharing plan areas (as contained in the data file titled: GWMacroPlanFeb2012.gdb) provided by NSW Office of Water on 8/3/2012.
Queensland MDB mapped by intersecting State Borders with Murray-Darling Basin boundary
Dataset Citation
Murray-Darling Basin Authority (2014) MDBA Groundwater Sustainable Diversion Limits (SDL) Resource Units. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 29 September 2017, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/6e7b5399-c23f-463c-aedc-a786840a3b8d.