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Groundwater hydrodynamics data


This dataset was compiled by the Geological and Bioregional Assessment Program from source data referenced within the dataset and/or metadata. Hydrodynamic properties have been defined for the major aquifers in the Cooper GBA region. These include: hydraulic head measurements; depth to groundwater measurements and water table mapping as as height above sea level (mAHD).


Geological and Bioregional Assessment Program


Hooray Hydraulic Head measurements from petroleum well pressure data = patch_hh_v1.shp Derived from wells that had equivalent Hydraulic head in the patchawarra formation, measurements in the well situated nearest to top of patchawarra Fm were extracted from the equivalent hydraulic head dataset then converted to a shapefile for spatial analysis in ArcGIS.

Nappamerri Hydraulic Head measurements from petroleum well pressure data = napp_top_v1_hh.shp Derived from wells that had equivalent Hydraulic head in the Nappamerri Group, measurements in the well situated nearest to top of Nappamerri Groupwere extracted from the equivalent hydraulic head dataset then converted to a shapefile for spatial analysis in ArcGIS.

Toolachee Hydraulic Head measurements from petroleum well pressure data = tool_hh_v1.shp For wells that had equivalent Hydraulic head in the Toolachee formation, measurements in the well situated nearest to top of Toolachee Fm were extracted from the equivalent hydraulic head dataset then converted to a shapefile for spatial analysis in ArcGIS.

Hooray Hydraulic Head measurements from petroleum well pressure data = hoory_hh_v1.shp For wells that had equivalent Hydraulic head in the hooray Sandstone and equivalents, measurements in the well situated nearest to top of Toolachee Fm were extracted from the equivalent hydraulic head dataset then converted to a shapefile for spatial analysis in ArcGIS.

Winton-Mackunda partial aquifer - depth to groundwater measurements = winton_dhpts_v4_proj.shp Depth to groundwater for bores drawing water from Winton-Mackunda partial aquifer for the Cooper GBA region.

Winton-Mackunda partial aquifer - water table mapping as height above sea level (potentiometric mapping). = Winton_rswl_15_10_geometric_interval.tif Water table mapping for Winton-Mackunda partial aquifer in the Cooper GBA region.

Winton-Mackunda partial aquifer - water table mapping contours (20 m spacing) as height above sea level = Winton_20m_contour_1510.shp 20m contours for Water table mapping for Winton-Mackunda partial aquifer in the Cooper GBA region. Winton bore hydrostratigraphic interpretation was undertaken as part of GBA on raw groundwater bore data sourced through the relevant state groundwater databases.

Aquifers in Cenozoic- water table mapping as height above sea level (potentiometric mapping). = cenozoic_less_wint.tif Water table mapping for aquifers in Cenozoicin the Cooper GBA region. Winton bore hydrostratigraphic interpretation was undertaken as part of GBA on raw groundwater bore data sourced through the relevent state groundwater databases.

Aquifers in Cenozoic- water table mapping contours (20 m spacing) as height above sea level = ad_cenozoic_rswl_contour_v02.shp Water table mapping for aquifers in Cenozoicin the Cooper GBA region. Winton bore hydrostratigraphic interpretation was undertaken as part of GBA on raw groundwater bore data sourced through the relevent state groundwater databases.

Cenozioc aquifers - depth to groundwater measurements = ad_cenozoic_dpths_v06_54S.shp Depth to groundwater for bores drawing water from aquifers in Cenozoicfor the Cooper GBA region. Winton bore hydrostratigraphic interpretation was undertaken as part of GBA on raw groundwater bore data sourced through the relevant state groundwater databases.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Groundwater hydrodynamics data
Type Dataset
Language eng
Licence Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
Data Status active
Update Frequency never
Landing Page https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/cd55ec52-1e15-4647-ad03-8bb273ce604a
Date Published 2020-05-19
Date Updated 2023-08-11
Contact Point
Bioregional Assessment Program
Temporal Coverage 2020-05-19 05:37:19
Geospatial Coverage POLYGON ((0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0))
Jurisdiction NONE
Data Portal data.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Bioregional Assessment Program