This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This is a derived dataset that delineates the Bioregional Conservation Status of EVCs. The dataset is derived from a combination of Victorian bioregions (VBIOREG100), Pre 1750 EVCs (NV1750_EVC) and the current version of Native Vegetation Extent (NV2005_EXTENT). Bioregional conservation status and geographic occurrence are applied to unique Bioregion-EVC units.
The dataset underpins the implementation of Victoria's Native Vegetation Management Framework, and the preparation of Regional Vegetation Plans in addition to other biodiversity planning. The dataset requires upgrading when any of the three input datasets change. (Note that this dataset is stored in two Spatial Data Storage Environments within DSE - Arc/Info tiled libraries and Oracle/SDE single data layer. This metadata describes the Arc/Info dataset. The Oracle/SDE dataset is slightly different in that all non-vegetation classes are excluded from the data (ie. Bare rock, sand, non-native vegetation etc.) also the attributes include attributes expanded from Look Up Tables. These have an X_ prefix in the name.)
A Bioregional Conservation Status of vegetation types (Ecological Vegetation Classes) has been assigned to support the management of biodiversity values in Victoria. The dataset identifies unique combinations of Victorian bioregions and extant EVCs which have been assigned a conservation status rating. The dataset underpins the implementation of Victoria's Native Vegetation Management Framework which defines how the Bioregional Conservation Status of an EVC is used in determining the conservation significance for biodiversity purposes, and management implications. The layer will primarily support flora and fauna biodiversity evaluations and management. The layer is used to define National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) units (ie. a Bioregion-EVC combination equates to a unique NVIS description) NVIS descriptions are managed in the Victorian Vegetation Information System (VicVIS).
Dataset History
The dataset is derived from a combination of Victorian bioregions (VBIOREGION100), Pre 1750 EVCS (NV1750_EVC) and the current extent of Native Vegetation (NV2005_EXTENT).Bioregional conservation status and geographic occurrence is applied to unique Bioregion EVC units. The boundaries and key attributes from the source datasets are found in this derived dataset. When any of the source datasets change this dataset is rederived.
The key attributes, Bioregional Conservation Status (EVC_BCS) and Geographic Occurrence (EVC_GO) of EVCs, have been assigned to Bioregion/EVC combinations on the basis of an expert interpretation of statistical and spatial information by Alison Oates and David Parkes, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, DSE with the support of other DSE staff. The source information for these two attributes is maintained in a separate database that is linked to the NV1750_EVC/NV2005_EXTANT/VBIOREG100 combination dataset to create NV2005_EVCBCS. The source table is maintained by Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
The approach to assessing bioregional conservation status and geographic occurrence of vegetation types (Ecological Vegetation Classes) is described in Appendix 2 of DSE's, 'Victorias Native Vegetation Management - A Framework for Action', 2002.
Processing Steps:
NV1750_EVC is intersected with VBIOREGION100 and with NV2005_EXTANT, and Bioregional Conservation and Geographic Occurrence attributes are populated for each Bioregion-EVC combination
Logical Consistency: There is a logical consistency between combinations of Victorian Bioregions and EVCs and the assigned Bioregional Conservation Status (EVC_BCS) and Geographic Occurrence (EVC_GO) of EVC attributes. There is a logical consistency between bioregion numbers, codes and names, and between EVC numbers and names.
Dataset Citation
Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (2014) Victorian Ecological Vegetation Communities 2005 (with Bioregional Conservation Status). Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 29 September 2017, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/31915e37-ce5f-446f-932c-f702cc2224d3.