This is a source dataset created by the Bioregional Assessment Programme without the use of source data.
This dataset contains all of the surface water footprint polygons that were created from mining reports that were used in the surface water modelling. There is also a document with the source references for all of the footprints included in the dataset.
Dataset History
Environmental impact statements and similar documents were downloaded from New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment Major Projects website, and from mining companies' websites. To obtain mine footprints for surface water modelling, the mining reports were searched for past and future projected mine layouts and surface water contributing areas. Each figure was digitised and georeferenced using one of four methods:
The preferred method was to use maps or plans with coordinates already on them.
If there were no coordinates, then three point locations were matched with points on Google Earth and the latitude and longitude from Google Earth were used to georeference the image.
If there were not three clearly identifiable point locations in the image, then supplementary points were found by matching contour information to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Smoothed Digital Elevation Model (SRTM DEM-S) grid
Dataset GUID - 12e0731d-96dd-49cc-aa21-ebfd65a3f67a
- Other site-specific approaches: a. Mangoola Coal Mine did not have adequate georeferencing points in the Year 10 and Final Landform images so these images were georeferenced to the matching project boundary in the other Mangoola Coal Mine images.
b. The West Wallsend Colliery existing pit top surface facilities image, containing a satellite photo background, was georeferenced using Google Earth. The West Wallsend Colliery pit top facility outline was used to georeference the water management system image as they both contained the same outline.
These areas were exported as polygon files (*.poly) using Geosoft Oasis Montaj software.
A list of documents used for creating these polygon files are also included in the dataset
Dataset Citation
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) HUN SW footprint shapefiles v01. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/2a9520c8-1569-4e0e-8bd8-26e2c7b9e9e0.