This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally suppied.
The dataset provides a comprehensive catalogue of permanently saturated springs that have fixed locations and any associated surface expression groundwater dependent ecosystems. This precludes soaks that are not permanent, bores (because they are not natural), wells that do not have a surface expression of groundwater, and groundwater discharge along a stream-bed that is not in a fixed location. The springs dataset also includes other types of springs (e.g. springs with a non-permanent or unsaturated saturation regime), however, information on these types of springs may be limited.
The springs dataset includes comprehensive information on spring location, status (active/inactive), and grouping (complex) for all springs included in the dataset. Where available, information is also provided on physical properties, general morphology, water chemistry, floristic composition, disturbance, faunal composition, survey effort, photographic documentation, and historical descriptions. Where sufficient information was available, springs have also been given a conservation ranking at both the individual spring and complex levels.
Original field data collected from 1995 to present checked, tested and compiled by the Queensland Herbarium. The water chemistry tests were performed by the Water Laboratory, Chemistry Centre, EcoScience Precinct,QLD. Springs added to the database come from a range of people and/or agencies. Springs are added to the database when a precise location is provided as well as a description accurate enough to inform permanency of the spring. Doubtful records are kept for further assessment. Springs can be removed from the database in some occasions after field survey confirming absence. A record of deleted springs is maintained by the Queensland Herbarium.
Dataset History
This dataset was extracted on the 13th October 2016 from the Queensland government website.
Dataset Citation
Queensland Herbarium, Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (2016) QLD Springs Dataset 2016. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/26030523-4eb6-4abb-8932-bee72f954303.