This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
The polygons in this dataset are a digital representation of the distribution or extent of geological units within the areas of Regional map products. Polygons have a range of attributes including rock unit name, dominant rock, rock unit type, age, lithological description and an abbreviated map symbol for use in labelling the polygons. The lines in this dataset are a digital representation of the position of the boundaries of geological units and other linear features such as faults, bedding trends, dykes, fold axial traces, jointing patterns and other unassigned lineaments. The lines are attributed with an ID, the description of the structure, the type category of structure represented, the capture source and capture scale of the data.
The spatial data source is the GSQ Geology Enterprise ArcSDE Geodatabase with the attribute data either held in the geodatabase or sourced from oracle tables in the Department's Geoscience and Resources Database (GRDB), a component of the Mineral and Energy Resources Location and Information Network (MERLIN) corporate database.
The digital data is provided in geographic co-ordinates (Lat/Long) based on the Geocentric Datum of Australia - GDA94.
Metadata for the Queensland Geological Mapping Data is contained in .html files placed in the root folder of each 1:250 000 tile or Regional sheet tile. For ArcMap users metadata for viewing in ArcCatalog is held in an .xml file with each shapefile within the ESRI Shapefile folders.
Dataset History
GEOLDATA for detailed geology was in many cases previously compiled from field mapping over 1:100 000 map extents. These were completed by different geologists sometimes over many field seasons, with different interpretations. The DVD 1 detailed geology dataset has been extracted from the Geodatabase using a GDA94 standard 1:250 000 map tile extent. The DVD 2 detailed geology dataset has been provided as a statewide extract. Edge matching between the 100K tile edges within this 250K extent may still be in progress. The geological data will be seamless where the field mapping was completed for a specific project extent e.g. Yarrol Province.
The original data capture over most of the 100K tile extents, was compiled based on the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966. This data was projected to GDA94 for inclusion in the geodatabase.
The data required to be captured for a specific 100K tile based on AGD66, will not be exactly the same as that needed to cover a 100K tile extent based on GDA94. Currently, there may still exist in a few situations, a 'gap' in geological information between adjoining sheets at the outer edges of project areas. These 'gaps' may occur where older project areas were field mapped and captured for ADG66 map production, and they abut more recent project areas which were field mapped and captured for GDA94 map production. Edge mapping adjustments are to be made.
Similarly GEOLDATA for regional datasets were previously compiled from 1:500 000 or 1:1000 000 hard copy maps which were based on the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 and so their map boundary latitude and longitudes were derived from that AGD66 Datum.
The digital data captured from these maps was projected to GDA94 for migration to the Geodatabase, and so the GDA94 lat/long extents of the datasets will not coincide with the same lat and long values of the original AGD66 drawn map graticule.
Data matching between Regional Datasets will seldom occur.
Dataset Citation
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (2012) Queensland Geological Digital Data - Detailed state extent, regional. November 2012. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/03ea9d87-55f1-400e-86c0-b8f7492984c4.