Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
CRICOS is the official list of all Australian education providers that offer courses to people studying in Australia on student visas and the courses offered. This export is a... -
Future Schools 2028-2038
Map layer showing the planned locations of new schools for 2028-2038 -
Future Schools 2018-2028
Map layer showing where schools are planned to be built 2018-2028 -
Map layer of the Mitchell Shire towns with predicted population for 2028 -
Future Kindergartens 2018-2028
Map layer showing where future kindergartens may be constructed in 2018-2028 -
Mitchell Shire Schools
Map layer showing the location of primary and secondary schools in Mitchell Shire -
Future Kindergartens 2028-2038
Map layer showing the possible locations of kindergartens built in 2028-2038 -
Education – National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NSW)
Proportion of NSW school students who are at or above the national minimum standard in Reading and Numeracy (including National Comparison, Gender, Aboriginality). -
Schools in City of Yarra
This data asset has information about schools located within the Yarra municipality. School details include name, school type (whether it covers primary, secondary or both... -
Volume of development assistance flows for scholarships by sector and type of study.
SDG - 4.b.1 Data includes all scholarships schemes (Australia Awards Scholarships, Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships and ACIAR awards) and for all awardees for whom DFAT... -
Participation rate in organised learning (one year before the official primary entry age)
This dataset shows the proportion of 4 and 5 year old children enrolled in a quality early childhood education program. A quality early childhood education program is defined as... -
Participation rate in formal and non-formal education
This dataset contains information about participation rates in formal and non-formal learning amongst persons aged 15-74 years. It contains results produced from ABS surveys for... -
Key Data March 2021 - Department of Education - Tasmania
The effective management and use of data is a key strategic priority for the Department, as it enables us to identify student need and measure success at an individual student,... -
Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Training Sites
The Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program provides language, literacy and numeracy training to eligible job seekers, to help them to participate more effectively in... -
Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Contract Regions
This dataset shows the boundaries of the contract regions for the delivery of the SEE program. SEE program providers deliver training in specified contract regions across the... -
Secondary Education Completion
Secondary completion rate as calculated by dividing the number of people who stated their highest year of school completed as year 12 by the number of people who stated their... -
Report on Government Services
The annual Report on Government Services (RoGS) provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia. The report provides... -
Child Care Administrative Data
This data set contains information for Child Care Benefit (CCB) approved child care services in Greater Sydney and Greater Melbourne (as defined by the Greater Capital City... -
2019 Statistics report on TEQSA registered higher education providers
Supporting data to the published pdf report on TEQSA registered higher education providers in 2019