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Waterbird data for the Basin Plan Evaluation 2020


The aerial waterbird survey (AWS) analysis that underpinned the Basin Plan Evaluation 2020 drew predominately on annual aerial survey data across 38 key wetlands across the Murray-Darling Basin, since 2014. These surveys are run conjunction with the Eastern Australian Waterbird Survey (EAWS) since 1983.

The sourcing of this data was done predominately through a third-party external provider through contract agreements.

Recently, Geoscience Australia has been developing a Wetland Insight Tool (WIT) to allow users to observe the spatiotemporal behaviour of wetlands in Australia. The outcomes generated by this tool provide an insight into wetland habitat.

Basin Plan Evaluation 2020 products

A range of products have been developed and released as part of the Basin Plan Evaluation 2020.

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Link to reports and data page

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title Waterbird data for the Basin Plan Evaluation 2020
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Data Status active
Update Frequency never
Landing Page https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/b50e3aed-e8ae-42eb-ae74-588ddcd4a75a
Date Published 2020-11-17
Date Updated 2023-08-10
Contact Point
Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Temporal Coverage 2020-11-17 23:11:10
Geospatial Coverage {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[138.568466639, -37.6820841431], [152.48854639, -37.6820841431], [152.48854639, -24.5856180793], [138.568466639, -24.5856180793], [138.568466639, -37.6820841431]]]}
Jurisdiction Commonwealth of Australia
Data Portal data.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Murray-Darling Basin Authority