The data are sourced primarily from ABS Cat No 5655.0, which shows details of
assets held by managed funds by type of institution from June 1988. The ABS
provides more detailed data than is shown in statistical table B18 and
related statistical tables. Also see ABS explanatory notes for full details on
data compilation.
Data on total assets of the different types of domestic managed funds are
shown on an aunconsolidateda basis and thus include funds cross-invested with
other funds. Superannuation funds held in statutory funds of life insurance
offices are separately identified and are sourced from APRA. The series for
total assets of managed funds on an aunconsolidateda basis is equal to the sum
of the components shown. The series for total assets on a aconsolidateda basis
eliminates identified cross-investment between the various funds.
Data on funds sourced from aOther domestica are given on a aconsolidateda
basis, and include funds sourced from governments, charities, other trusts,
general insurance companies and other sources. Data on funds sourced from
aOverseasa are given on a aconsolidateda basis.
Data on the asset allocation of domestic managed funds are given on a
aconsolidateda basis.
aCash and depositsa include notes and coins on hand, and credit account
balances with deposit-taking institutions.
aLoans and placementsa primarily refer to intermediated borrowings which are
not evidenced by the issue of debt securities.
aShort-term securitiesa refer to debt securities with an original term to
maturity of one year or less, including bills of exchange, promissory notes,
Treasury notes and bank certificates of deposit.
aLong-term securitiesa refer to debt securities with an original term to
maturity of more than one year that are issued by Government and private
aEquities and units in trustsa mainly comprise shares traded on an organised
stock exchange, shares in unit trusts and in unlisted companies, and
preference shares.
aLand and buildingsa refer to land and buildings held and the value of units
in unitised buildings.
aAssets overseasa include physical assets located overseas and financial
claims on non-residents.
aOther assetsa include any other financial and non-financial assets that do
not fit into the foregoing categories. It includes trade credit, interest
accruals and some derivatives.