Wimmera CMA Wetlands
Dataset represents wetlands in the Wimmera CMA region and is derrived from https://www.data.vic.gov.au/data/dataset/victorian-wetland-inventory-current. The source layer's... -
Wimmera CMA Designated Waterways
This dataset describes designated waterways within the Wimmera CMA region under Water Act 1989 and By-law No.2 Waterway Protection 2014. More information available on the... -
Swamp Silo Art Trail
List of wetlands associated with the Yarriambiack Shire Councils 'Silo Art Trail' resource. https://data.gov.au/dataset/silo-art-trail-points Although all due care has been... -
Account for Land Cover - Physical
This release presents the second experimental land account created by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in order to demonstrate a method for reporting change in land...