Indigenous Land Use Agreements
An "indigenous land use agreement" (ILUA) is a voluntary, legally binding agreement about the use and management of land or waters, made between one or more native title groups... -
Native Title Determinations
A "determination of native title" is a decision on whether native title exists in relation to a particular area of land or waters (s 225 of the NTA). Determinations of native... -
NT State Electoral Boundaries - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital Electoral Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been supplied by the Electoral Commission from each state and territory as well as the Australian Electoral... -
ACT State Electoral Boundaries - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital Electoral Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been supplied by the Electoral Commission from each state and territory as well as the Australian Electoral... -
NT Suburb/Locality Boundaries - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital Suburb/Locality Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below.... -
(Other) Suburb/Locality Boundaries - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital Suburb/Locality Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below.... -
Australian Irrigation Areas (Vector), Version 1A, National Land and Water...
This data set shows designated and actual irrigation areas in Australia compiled by the National Land Use Mapping Project of the National Land and Water Resources Audit to... -
Employment Service Areas 2009-2015+
Geospatial boundary data for Employment Service Areas 2009-2015+ (Job Services Australia, Remote Jobs and Communities Programme, Disability Employment Services). This dataset is... -
Employment Regions 2015-2020
Geospatial boundary data for Employment Regions 2015-2020 (jobactive). This dataset is provided by the Department of Jobs and Small Business. -
NT State Boundary - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital State Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below. State... -
QLD State Boundary - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital State Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below. State... -
(Other) State Boundary - Geoscape Administrative Boundaries
The digital State Boundaries and their legal identifiers have been derived from the cadastre data from each state and territory jurisdiction and are available below. State... -
Shire Boundary of Cardinia Council
A layer containing the Shire Boundary of Cardinia Council -
Look-up table of AUSLIG River Basins of Australia (1997)
Look-up table of AUSLIG River Basins of Australia (1997) associated with catchments in grid See further metadata for more detail. -
Federal Electoral Boundaries
The Electoral Boundaries contain the geographic boundaries of the federal electoral divisions of Australia. These boundaries are provided in vector format with Electoral... -
Department of Environment Protected Areas WMS
This Web Map Service contains three protected areas data layers sourced from the Australian Commonwealth Department of Environment: World Heritage Areas (2007), and the... -
Australian Irrigation Areas (Raster), Version 1A, National Land and Water...
This data set shows designated and actual irrigation areas in Australia compiled by the National Land Use Mapping Project of the National Land and Water Resources Audit to... -
Assessment of Terrestrial Biodiversity 2002 Database
The Australian Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment (NLWRA, 2002) is the first attempt to report on terrestrial biodiversity condition and trend across Australia aggregated from... -
Assessment of Terrestrial Biodiversity 2002, Biodiversity Audit Data Entry...
The Australian Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment (NLWRA, 2002) is the first attempt to report on terrestrial biodiversity condition and trend across Australia aggregated from... -
Land use of Australia 2010-11
The Land use of Australia 2010-11 is the latest in a series of digital national land use maps at national scale. Agricultural land uses and their spatial distributions are based...