Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements (PSAES) 2017-18 - Tables and Data
The 2017-18 Budget, including related papers such as the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES) and Portfolio Supplementary Additional Estimates Statements (PSAES), is... -
Budget 2018-19 and Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) - Tables and Data
The 2018-19 Budget is officially available at budget.gov.au as the authoritative source of Budget Papers (BPs) and Portfolio Budget Statement (PBS) documents. This dataset is a... -
Budget 2019-20 and Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) - Tables and Data
The 2019-20 Budget is officially available at budget.gov.au as the authoritative source of Budget Papers (BPs) and Portfolio Budget Statement (PBS) documents. This dataset is a... -
Budget 2023-24 and Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) - Tables and Data
The 2023-24 Budget is officially available at budget.gov.au as the authoritative source of Budget Papers (BPs) and Portfolio Budget Statement (PBS) documents. This dataset is a... -
Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES) 2021-22 - Tables and Data
The 2021-22 Budget, including related papers such as the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES), is officially available at http://www.budget.gov.au. The PAES inform...