Ipswich Traffic Signals
Location of traffic signals within the City of Ipswich. Includes signals owned by Department of Main Roads and Transport -
Ipswich Road Network
Dataset showing road centrelines including Local, State and Federal roads. Indicates maintenance responsibility and road heirarchy description. Extents within the City of Ipswich. -
Ipswich Parks and Reserves
Location of Council Managed Parks and Reserves within Ipswich City Council area -
Ipswich Footpaths
Location of footpaths and kerb ramps within City of Ipswich. These include footpaths road reserves, Parkd and Reserves. -
Ipswich Planning Scheme - Zones, Designations and Notations
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Ipswich Planning Scheme Zones 2. Indicative Boundary, subject to further detailed assessment 3. Springfield Structure Plan... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV4 Difficult Topography
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Slope 15 to 20% 2. Slope 20 to 25% 3. Slope > 25% Overlays provide a secondary organisational layer in the planning scheme... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme - Schedule 2 Character Places
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Historic and Miscellaneous Places 2. Trees and Vegetation 3. Indigenous 3. Historic Infrastructure Schedule 2 includes a... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV6 Buffers to Highways and Regional Transport Corridors
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Buffers to Highways and Regional Transport Corridors Overlays provide a secondary organisational layer in the planning... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV2 Key Resource Areas, Buffers and Haul Routes
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Known Resources 2. Existing Rural Living Areas to be advised of possible amenity impacts 3. Key Resource Areas 4. Mining... -
City of Ipswich Administrative Boundary
Extents of City of Ipswich local authority Boundary -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Part 13 - Local Government Infrastructure Plan
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Plans for Trunk Infrastructure Public Parks. 2. Plans for Trunk Infrastructure (Roads) Infrastructure. 3. Plans for Trunk... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV1 Bushfire Risk Areas
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Bushfire Risk Areas 2. Transitional Bushfire Risk Areas Overlays provide a secondary organisational layer in the planning... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV7D Explosive Storage Safeguard, Public Safety Areas and Purga Rifle Range
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Defence Area 2. Public Safety Area Buffer 3. Explosive Storage Safeguard Buffer 4. Purga Rifle Range Buffer Overlays... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV8 Motor Sports Buffer
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Tivoli Raceway Primary Buffer Area 2. Tivoli Raceway Secondary Buffer Area 3. Ipswich Motorsports Precinct Primary Buffer... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV7A Defence (Area Control) Regulations and Obstruction Clearance Surfaces (OSC)
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Building Height Restriction Area (7.5m, 15m, 45m and 90m) 2. Obstruction Clearance Surface Overlays provide a secondary... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV3 Mining Influence Areas
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Mining Influence Constrained Areas 2. Surface Disturbance - Including Open-Cut Mining 3. Areas Affected by Underground... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV9 Wastewater Treatment Buffers
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Bundamba 2. Goodna 3. Rosewood 4. Warrill Creek Overlays provide a secondary organisational layer in the planning scheme... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV14 Rail Corridor Noise Impact Management
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. Rail Corridor Noise Impact Management Overlays provide a secondary organisational layer in the planning scheme and are... -
Temporary Local Planning Instruments
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. TLPI 01-2018 2. TLPI 02-2018 Temporary Local Planning Instrument No. 1 (Waste Activity Area) 2018. Temporary Local Planning... -
Ipswich Planning Scheme Overlay - OV7E Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Areas
Contents This Dataset contains the following maps: 1. UXO Search / Clearance Required 2. UXO Warnings Required Overlays provide a secondary organisational layer in the planning...