6 datasets found


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  • Australian Road Deaths Database (ARDD)

    The Australian Road Deaths Database provides basic details of road transport crash fatalities in Australia as reported by the police each month to the State and Territory road...
  • Road Construction and Maintenance Price Index

    BITRE's Road Construction and Maintenance Price Index presents the quarterly index figures up to the year 2013–14. Additionally, it presents sub-indexes by activity type for...
  • Rail Statistics TrainLine

    TrainLine is a collaborative report between the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and BITRE. It is a further development of the previous rail freight performance...
  • Maritime Statistics Waterline

    Waterline reports on trends in container handling productivity on the waterfront in Australia as well as the cost of importing and exporting containers. It covers both the...
  • Maritime Statistics Australian Sea Freight

    Australian Sea Freight presents statistics on maritime freight in Australia and shows the trend of Australian sea freight over the most recent ten years. The information...
  • Australian Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook

    The Australian Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook provides a single comprehensive source of Australian infrastructure statistics time series statistics for measures of...
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