WAMSI Node 4.2.1a - Bioregional level assessments based on fishery dependent and/or fishery independent data - Leschenault Estuary
The Leschenault Estuary was divided into four regions; the apex, upper, middle and lower regions. Within each region four sites were sampled seasonally (except the middle region... -
WAMSI Node 4.2.1a - Bioregional level assessments based on fishery dependent and/or fishery independent data - Peel-Harvey Estuary
The Peel-Harvey Estuary was divided into five regions; the Entrance Channel, Eastern Peel Inlet, Western Peel Inlet, Northern Harvey Estuary and Southern Harvey Estuary. Within... -
Marine algal culture collection
This dataset provides details of over 1700 marine algal samples collected throughout the world between 1964 and 2010. The algal samples are kept in laboratory cultures at the... -
Effects of Sabella spallanzanii physical structure on soft sediment macrofaunal assemblages: effects on colonisation
The introduced European polychaete Sabella spallanzanii has become a dominant feature of sub-tidal habitats in south-eastern Australia. This study examines the physical effects... -
Effects of Sabella spallanzanii physical structure on soft sediment macrofaunal assemblages: effects on existing assemblages
The introduced European polychaete Sabella spallanzani has become a dominant feature of sub-tidal habitats in south-eastern Australia. This study examines the physical effects... -
Denitrification measurements of sediments using cores and chambers: comparison of fluxes and denitrification efficiencies
Denitrification is a microbial process that takes place on and within sediment and results in the transformation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to nitrogen gas (N2), which is... -
WAMSI Node 4.2.1b - Development and validation of an estuarine health index for the Swan Estuary
This project (WAMSI Node 4.2.1b) aimed to develop an index for assessing the health of the Swan Estuary, based on fish assemblage characteristics. The index incorporates a suite...