Manningham Playgrounds
Spatial data showing the location of playgrounds within Manningham City Council. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is... -
Manningham Maternal and Child Health Centres
Spatial data showing the location of Maternal and Child Health Centres (MCH) within Manningham City Council. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is... -
Manningham Maternal and Child Health Boundaries
Spatial data showing the location of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Boundaries within Manningham City Council. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is... -
Ballarat Council Customer Service Centres
Point data of customer service locations for Ballarat City Council. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or... -
Greater Shepparton City Council Public Toilets
Greater Shepparton City Council owned or managed public toilets. Greater Shepparton City Council does not warrant that this data is definitive nor free of error and does not... -
Corangamite Shire Street and Park Trees
Point data for location of trees in Corangamite Shire. Attributes include lattitude, longitude, diameter at breast height (dbh), Height, crown width, botanical name, common name... -
City of Port Phillip Trees
Street Tree locations and information about individual trees within the City of Port Phillip Council. This does not include trees managed on private property. This data uses... -
City of Port Phillip Dog Walking Zones
Polygon areas showing different dog walking areas around City of Port of Phillip. These areas represent if dogs are permitted, and if there are restrictions requiring Dogs to be... -
Corangamite Shire Street Furniture
Street furniture is the collective term for equipment that serves the public, installed in outdoor space. It may include street lights, signs, bollards, seats, bins, water... -
Corangamite Shire Bins
Locations of the public bins located in the main townships of Corangamite. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is expressed or... -
Corangamite Shire Bike Racks
Location of Bike Racks in Corangamite Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by the Corangamite Shire in... -
Corangamite Shire BBQs
Locations of BBQs in corangamite. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by the Corangamite Shire in... -
City of Port Phillip Council Buildings
City of Port Phillip owned buildings. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by the City of Port Phillip... -
City of Port Phillip Community Gardens
Points showing locations of Community Gardens within City of Port Phillip. These locations are where people can sit and interact and do common activities. This data uses... -
City of Port Phillip Community Bus Stops
Points showing locations of Community Bus stops within City of Port Phillip. The FREE Community Bus provides access for all to services throughout the City of Port Phillip....