Mean annual transpiration from the plant canopy for the present day scenario
Mean annual (00) and monthly (01a|12) transpiration (mm) from the plant canopy for the period 1980-1999.Interpretation:Canopy transpiration is far more spatially variable than... -
Mean annual transpiration from the plant canopy for the pre 1788 scenario
:Mean annual (00) and monthly (01a|12) transpiration (mm) from the plant canopy for the period 1980-1999.Interpretation:Canopy transpiration is far more spatially variable than... -
Mean annual deep drainage (mm / y) in the present day scenario
Definition:Mean annual deep drainage. This is the amount of water draining below the root zone.Interpretation:Significant deep drainage is confined to irrigation areas, and wet... -
Mean annual concentration of mineral nitrogen in soil water (mgN / kgH20) in the pre 1788 scenario
Definition: Mean annual dissolved concentration of mineral nitrogen in soil water (mg of nitrogen per kg of water), averaged for both soil layers. Interpretation: The dissolved... -
Erosion Path Length
This data set is a grid of Erosion path length and is calculated as part of the transport energy budget. Erosion occurs if transport energy out is greater than transport energy... -
Distance to Ridges
This data set is a grid of distance to the nearest ridge uphill from the point. The interim 9 sec DEM is the basis of the calculations.The data set is a product of Australian... -
Data source for polygonal data used by the ASRIS project in generation of modelled surfaces
Data provided are the scale of polygonal datasources used to generate the polygon derived surfaces for the intensive agricultural areas of Australia. Data modelled from area... -
Australian Water Resources Assessment 2000 Database
Database to support the Australian Water Resources Assessment 2000. The Resource Assessment was undertaken by the National Land and Water Resources Audit in partnership with all... -
Australian Groundwater Flow Systems – National Land and Water Resources Audit, January 2000
The data shows the distribution of groundwater flow systems at a national scale. These flow systems were based on their hydrogeological characteristics using a combination of... -
Agricultural Structure Classification
Analyses and classifications of demographic, farm financial and household statistics as indicators of of agricultural structural change in Australia between 1986-1996. Data is... -
From data.sa.gov.au Victorian Dryland Salinity Assessment 2000 – dc22cac_risk.xls
Outputs from salinity risk classification for Victoria. See further metadata for more detail. -
From data.sa.gov.au Victorian Dryland Salinity Assessment 2000 – dc14cac_agriculture.xls
Classification of current agricultural land use in areas predicted to have or develop shallow water tables and dryland salinity See further metadata for more detail. -
From data.sa.gov.au Victorian Dryland Salinity Assessment 2000 – dc13cac_natural_envt.xls
Consolidation of data relating to potential impacts of shallow water tables and salinity on the natural environment See further metadata for more detail. -
From data.sa.gov.au Victorian Dryland Salinity Assessment 2000 – d01cac_ramsar_final.xls
Classification of the area of Ramsar wetland located in the potential shallow water table zone See further metadata for more detail. -
From data.sa.gov.au Mean transpiration in August from the plant canopy for the pre 1788 scenario
Mean annual (00) and monthly (01a|12) transpiration (mm) from the plant canopy for the period 1980-1999.Interpretation:Canopy transpiration is far more spatially variable than... -
From data.sa.gov.au Mean annual deep drainage (mm / y) in the pre 1788 scenario
Definition:Mean annual deep drainage. This is the amount of water draining below the root zone.Interpretation:Significant deep drainage is confined to irrigation areas, and wet... -
From data.sa.gov.au Mean annual concentration of mineral nitrogen in soil water (mgN / kgH20) in the present day scenario
Definition: Mean annual dissolved concentration of mineral nitrogen in soil water (mg of nitrogen per kg of water), averaged for both soil layers. Interpretation: The dissolved... -
From data.sa.gov.au Depositional Path Length
This data set is a grid of deposition path length and is calculated as part of the transport energy budget. Deposition occurs if transport energy out is less than transport... -
From data.sa.gov.au Agricultural Commodities for 1996/97 (linked to profit function surfaces)
This dataset contains a national grid, of roughly 1km cell size, showing the major forms of agricultural commodity production. The forms of commodity production, classified in...