2016 SoE Built environment Upper projections of avoidable social costs of congestion, 1990-2030
Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics data containing upper baseline projections of avoidable social costs of congestion, for the period 1990 to 2030 For... -
Dynamic Land Cover Dataset
Abstract This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied. The... -
Tree - City of Wodonga
Point data of trees for City of Wodonga. Including genus, common Name, address and location data. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no... -
Future scenarios for the southern Murray-Darling Basin water market
Since the peak of the Millennium drought, the southern Murray-Darling Basin (sMDB) has seen large increases in nut and cotton plantings, decreases in water supply due to... -
Australian water markets report 2013-14
The Australian water markets report 2013-14 presents national statistics on water markets, including water entitlement trade and water allocation trade volumes and prices, trade... -
National Waste Report
The National Waste Report 2022 report datasets contains data on Australia’s waste generation, recovery and fate for all waste streams and various material categories. The... -
Ballarat Trees
Point data for location of street and park trees in Ballarat. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that these data are correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Weed Density
A It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Grid weed coverage species from States with 4 classes (present{2}, low{1}, med{2}, high{3}) plus no data. relative... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Suspended sediment load ratio
A It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Suspended sediment in waterways influences catchment condition by causing turbidity, usually with higher levels of... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Soil degradation hazard
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Soil degradation refers to any deterioration in the natural physical, chemical or biological properties of a soil, and is... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Soil acidification hazard
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Australia has naturally and widely occurring acid soils, but the extent has been increased by agricultural practices... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Rivers through forests
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Rivers through forests a Length of river within forests per total length of river in the catchment. Riparian vegetation... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Rivers in salt hazard
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! The proximity of parts of a river network to saline soils is an indicator of the propensity for saline river flows. This... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Rivers in acidification hazard
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Streams draining through areas of acid soils are at risk from acidification through mobilisation of H+ ions out of the... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Protected areas
A It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Land protected from development through land-use zoning is relatively free from human activities that lead to habitat... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Predicted 2050 salinity
It should be noted that this data is now dated! The indicator reflects the probability that a catchment will develop a significant salinity problem at some future time or... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Pesticide hazard
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Pesticide (incl. herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and fumigants) use is a direct measure of the input of toxins into... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Nutrient point source hazard
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! Nutrients can enter streams from point, diffuse from various extensive land- uses or natural sources. In this indicator... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Native vegetation fragmentation
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! The resilience and pristine quality of native vegetation areas is influenced by the size of the surviving patches. Small... -
Indicators of Catchment Condition in the Intensive Land Use Zone of Australia – Land Condition Sub-index
It should be noted that this data is now somwhat dated! The Land Condition Sub-index was based on three indicators: Predicted 2050 salinity, Soil degradation hazard, and...