Murray-Darling Basin Water Resource Plan Areas – Surface Water
The Basin Plan's management arrangements will be implemented at a local scale through water resource plans prepared by the Basin states for accreditation by the Commonwealth... -
Artificial Reefs
The layer refers to lines and polygons indicating the location of the artificial reefs used to protect the coastline of the Gold Coast. -
Public Parking Facilities - City of Gold Coast
Geo-spatial datasets detailing on-street monitored parking and public carparks. Please note the City of Gold Coast is not a professional information provider and makes no... -
A geo-spatial layer depicting the approximate location of pathways as of November 2015 Please note that as part of the attribution of this data under the CC BY licence terms... -
Parks Playing Surfaces
The layer refers to polygons indicating the location of various types of Playing Surfaces (Rugby Fields, Basketball Courts, etc.) on Public Land in the Gold Coast area. Please... -
A geo-spatial layer depicting the approximate location and construction of platforms as of November 2015 Please note that as part of the attribution of this data under the CC BY... -
Groundwater SDL Resource Units
This dataset defines the boundaries of the 80 groundwater SDL resource units in the Murray-Darling Basin described in Schedule 4 of the Basin Plan. These include 11 groundwater... -
Open Spaces
Geo-spatial layer depicting open spaces across the City of Gold Coast. Please note the City of Gold Coast is not a professional information provider and makes no representations... -
Cleaning Sinks
The layer refers to a symbol indicating the location of Cleaning Sinks (for cleaning fish) on public land in the Gold Coast area. Please note that this data will have a... -
The layer refers to a polygon indicating the location of various types of Buildings (Kiosks, Sheds, etc.) on public land in the Gold Coast area. This dataset includes the... -
Waste and Recycling Collection Services
Dates and service boundaries of waste and recycling services provided by the City of Gold Coast Where customers have subscribed to the City's green waste collection services,... -
Surface Water SDL Resource Units
The surface water sustainable diversion limit (SDL) resource unit dataset defines the boundary of 29 surface water SDL areas in the Basin Plan 2012.The SDLs represent the... -
Road Segments
A geo-spatial layer depicting the approximate location and length of road segments as of November 2015 Please note that as part of the attribution of this data under the CC BY... -
Fibre Optic Cable
Geo-spatial layers depicting the approximate location of fibre optic cable used by City of Gold Coast as of June 2015. Please note that as part of the atttribution of this data... -
Drinking Fountain
The layer refers to a symbol indicating the location of Drink Fountains on public land in the Gold Coast area. Please note the City of Gold Coast is not a professional... -
Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area Zoning Scheme 1998 (WTMA)
This dataset contains polygon features that represent the zoning classification of lands within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. This dataset is a working depiction only.... -
Wetlands GIS of the Murray-Darling Basin Series 2.0
The purpose of the Wetlands GIS of the Murray-Darling Basin project was to map the maximum extent of wetlands within a ten year period (1983-1993) based on the presence of... -
Waste Collection Points
A geo-spatial layer depicting the approximate location of waste collection points as of November 2015 Please note that as part of the attribution of this data under the CC BY... -
WAMSI Pilbara aerial photo data - 25th September 2008
On the 25th of September 2008 a Canon EOS 1Ds took 967 photos from a plane flown by Jorg Hacker - (Airborne Research Australia). These were taken near Karratha (Regnard Bay) and... -
WAMSI Node 4.2.2a - Establishment of indicators for ecosystem based fisheries management - Fish assemblages
There were four key objectives for WAMSI Node 4.2.2a: (1) determination of indicator regions; (2) development of monitoring strategies; (3) Implement a long term monitoring...