Geoscape Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF)
Geoscape G-NAF is the geocoded address database for Australian businesses and governments. It’s the trusted source of geocoded address data for Australia with over 50 million... -
Previous versions of the Geoscape Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF)
Please note this dataset is an archived version of the Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF). For the latest version of the G-NAF please go to this url:... -
Resources and Energy Major Projects
Resources and Energy Major Projects is a biannual publication that provides analysis of resources, energy, infrastructure and processing projects. The data in this publication... -
Resources and Energy Quarterly
The Resources and Energy Quarterly (REQ) contains the Office of the Chief Economist’s forecasts for the value, volume and price of Australia’s major resources and energy...