The Phytoplankton Ecology of Wilson Inlet, Western Australia - Primary Production
Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, diffuse light attentuation coefficient for photosynthetically active radiation were collected to measure photosynthesis... -
The Phytoplankton Ecology of Wilson Inlet, Western Australia - Phytoplankton Dynamics
Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, irradiance, ammonium, nitrate, total nitrogen, phosphate, total phosphorus, silica, gilvin, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton samples were... -
The Phytoplankton Ecology of Wilson Inlet, Western Australia - Nutrient Limitation of Phytoplankton Biomass
Nutrient deletion bioassays were applied over a one-year period to the phytoplankton community of Wilson Inlet. The bioassay data was supplemented with in situ measurements of... -
The Phytoplankton Ecology of Wilson Inlet, Western Australia - Nitrogen Uptake
The phytoplankton uptake rates of ammonium, nitrate and urea on monthly, seasonal and annual time scales in Wilson Inlet were measured. In addition, it was determined whether... -
Spatial distribution and temporal shifts in the biology of Holothuria whitmaei (sea cucumber) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia - Series Summary
Data were collected to: - i) investigate the spatial distribution and temporal changes in the biology of H.whitmaei (Bell, 1887)(from the perspective of activity, feeding and... -
Reproduction of Holothuria whitmaei (sea cucumber) in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions of Australia
Seasonal trends in the gonad index (GI) of two widely separated populations of black teatfish, Holothuria whitmaei (Bell, 1887), were investigated between Pacific (Great Barrier... -
Effect of invasive tagging on the activity behaviour of Holothuria whitmaei (sea cucumber) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
Data were collected to evaluate the practicality of marking the dorsal tegument as a tagging method for short-term mark-recapture studies of holothurians (Holothuria whitmaei,... -
Diurnal rhythms of activity, sediment egestion and cryptic behaviour of Holothuria whitmaei (sea cucumber) at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
The diurnal rates of activity and sediment egestion on three seperate occasions in January, April and August, 2003, and the cryptic behaviour on one occasion in August, 2003... -
Detached macrophyte accumulations in surf zones: significance of macrophyte type and volume in supporting secondary production
Feeding experiments on collected amphipods and fish sampling were conducted from surf zones of sandy beaches in southwestern Australia to determine the influence of detached... -
Aggregations of common holothurians on reef flats of Coral Bay, Ningaloo Reef, North Western Australia
The distribution of three sea cucumbers (H. whitmaei (Bell 1887), H. atra (Jaeger 1933) and S. chloronotus (Brandt 1835) in the vincinity of Coral Bay, Ningaloo Reef, Western...