Australian beef: financial performance of beef farms, 2015-16 to 2017-18
Overview This report presents the detailed financial performance of beef cattle producing farms in 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18, and discusses incomes, investment, farm debt,... -
Australian beef: financial performance of beef farms, 2014-15 to 2016-17
Overview This report presents the detailed financial performance of beef cattle producing farms in 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17, and discusses incomes, investment, farm debt,... -
Food demand in Australia: Trends and food security issues
Overview In recent years, ABARES has undertaken research programs that focus on two key economic aspects of Australia's food exports: world food demand to 2050 and implications... -
Food demand in Australia: Trends and issues 2018
Overview The report presents updated estimates of household food expenditure trends and examines further issues relating to Australia's household food expenditure. The analysis... -
Australia's forests at a glance 2017
Overview Australia's forests at a glance 2017 is a pocket-book compendium of data and information about Australia's native forests and commercial plantations. Much of the data... -
Australia's forests at a glance 2015
Australia's Forests at a Glance 2015 is a pocket-book compendium of data and information about Australia's native forests and industrial plantations. Much of the data is current... -
Australia's forests at a glance 2014
Australia's Forests at a Glance 2014 is a pocket-book compendium of data and information about Australia's native forests and industrial plantations. Much of the data is current... -
Australian fisheries economic indicators report 2017: Financial and economic performance of the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery
The Australian fisheries economic indicators report expands on and takes the place of the long running ABARES Australian fisheries surveys report. The report presents results... -
Australian fisheries economic indicators report 2014: Financial and economic performance of the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery
The Australian fisheries economic indicators report expands on and takes the place of the long running ABARES Australian fisheries surveys report. The information and analysis... -
Potential economic impacts of the wheat stem rust strain Ug99 in Australia
Overview Wheat stem rust has been present in Australia for over a century. The most recent and severe outbreak in Australia was the 1973 epidemic. However, a potentially... -
Economic consequences of a scrapie outbreak in Australia
Overview The ABARES report presents estimates of the economic impact of a hypothetical outbreak of scrapie in Australia's sheep and goat population under three disease spread... -
Resource Reallocation and Productivity Growth in the Australian Dairy Industry: Implications of Deregulation
Abstract This paper uses farm-level data to examine resource reallocation in the Australian dairy industry between 1979 and 2013, and assesses the contribution of this process... -
Dairy industry workforce survey, 2015-16
Overview ABARES analysis of labour use in the dairy industry shows the industry has distinct labour force requirements and faces different challenges to the other industries.... -
Dairy farms in the Murray-Darling Basin 2012-13 to 2014-15
Dairy farms in Murray-Darling Basin presents key farm performance measures for irrigated dairy farms in the Basin, including data on water trading and use of irrigation... -
Dairy farms in the Murray-Darling Basin
Overview Dairy farms in the Murray-Darling Basin presents key farm performance measures for irrigated dairy growing farms in the Basin, including data on water trading and use... -
Diversity in Australia's agricultural, fishing and forestry industry workforce
These information sheets provide statistics and trends in employment participation and workforce demographics. There is no 'typical' picture of someone engaged or employed in... -
Climatic suitability of Australia's production forests for myrtle rust
Myrtle rust disease has caused defoliation and death of trees of rainforest species in New South Wales and Queensland, and has also been responsible for significant damage to... -
Australia's cost recovery arrangements for export certification : implications for Australian agriculture
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is currently redesigning its cost recovery arrangements for export certification services. The Cost Recovery Taskforce... -
Cotton farms in the Murray-Darling Basin 2012-13 to 2014-15
Cotton farms in the Murray-Darling Basin presents key farm performance measures for irrigated cotton growing farms in the Basin, including data on water trading and use of... -
Cotton farms in the Murray-Darling Basin 2013-14 to 2015-16
Overview Cotton farms in the Murray-Darling Basin presents key farm performance measures for irrigated cotton growing farms in the Basin, including data on water trading and use...