Catchment scale land use of Australia and commodities – Update December 2023
Version 2 minor revision 27 June 2024. This is the latest compilation of land use mapping information for Australia’s regions as at December 2023. The land use data are... -
Strathbogie Shire Tracks And Trails Walking Points of Interest
Points of interest data mapped as part of Strathbogie Shire Council's Tracks and Trails Project. Although due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct no warranty... -
Strathbogie Shire Tracks And Trails Walking Trails
Polyline data of walking trails mapped as part of Strathbogie Shire Council's Tracks and Trails Project. Although due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct no... -
Noosa Road Centerlines
A line representation of the centre of all Noosa Shire Roads. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by... -
Yarra Ranges Council Recycle Collection
Yarra Ranges Council residential fortnightly recycle collection -
Rural City of Wangaratta - Roadside Weeds 2021
This dataset contains points representing 2021 Roadside Weed Capture in the Rural City of Wangaratta. -
Rural City of Wangaratta - Roadside Conservation 2021
This dataset contains points representing 2021 Roadside Conservation Values in the Rural City of Wangaratta. The values range from: Very High, High, Medium, Low and Nil. -
Corangamite Shire Garbage Collection Zones
Polygons representing Corangamite Waste collection zones. Each feature contains information on the bin type and day it is to be collected. Whilst every effort is made to ensure... -
Wimmera CMA Elevation
Elevation datasets for the Wimmera CMA region derived from a 2004 lidar study. 1.0m coverage is available across entire region, with 0.5m contours available along the Wimmera... -
Rural City of Wangaratta - Agricultural Versatility
This dataset contains polygons representing agricultural land versatility in the Rural City of Wangaratta. -
Noosa Pathways
Noosa pathway network for pedestrian and cycle use. Layer Definition: Pathway - a pathway or footpath that constitutes for pedestrians only. Beach access -a public pathway to... -
Yarra Ranges Council Garbage Collection
Yarra Ranges Councils residential garbage collection zones -
Catchment Scale Land Use Mapping for Western Australia 2018
Updated September 2021 to include land use tiles. These tiles address issues with analysis of the large single dataset. This vector dataset is a compilation of land use data for... -
Yarra Ranges Council organic waste collection
Yarra Ranges Council organic (green waste) fortnightly collection, for prescribed residential properties -
Noosa Bus Stop Shelters
Bus stop shelters in Noosa Shire. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by Noosa Shire Council in their...