Imported Food Inspection Scheme - monthly failing food reports
The department compiles and publishes data from inspections of imported food consignments under the scheme in its monthly failing food reports. The reports identify foods that... -
Imported food inspection data: Imported Food Inspection Scheme
The reports provide annual summary data from imported food inspections conducted under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme (IFIS). The data used in these reports refers to... -
Reportable gifts and benefits register - DAWE
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment must report all gifts or benefits over $100 accepted by our Secretary. Reporting ensures our Secretary meets public... -
First Points of Entry (FPOE) for vessels
Goods may only be landed at certain points. International vessels must comply with the Biosecurity Act 2015 and the First Point of Entry Biosecurity Determinations when entering... -
Live Animal Export - Greyhound Exports
This report is a list of all greyhounds which have been exported from Australia, encompassing both companion and racing dogs. This includes the destination country and the total... -
All reproductive material exports
Statistical information about reproductive material exports from Australia, updated monthly. Figures represent number of reproductive units exported comprising Embryos,... -
All non-livestock exports
Statistical information about Non-livestock exports from Australia, updated monthly. This dataset includes data on State, Port of loading, Destination country, Species, Quantity... -
All livestock exports
The all livestock exports report is updated monthly and includes exports by sea and air. The report is compiled from information on the export permit and health... -
Proportion of wastewater safely treated
This dataset describes the proportion of wastewater in Australia that is safely treated. Primary Information Source: Bureau of Meteorology, National Performance Report 2016-17:... -
Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water
This dataset describes the proportion of the Australian population that is using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water.... -
Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services
This dataset describes the proportion of the Australian population using safely managed drinking water services. Primary Information Source: Bureau of Meteorology, National... -
Livestock exports by air
The Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) requires exporters to provide an End of Journey report to the department for every livestock consignment exported by... -
July 2019 end-of-month red meat export reports
These tables provide a further breakdown of red meat exports in six formats: exports by state, exports by destination, by load port across Australia, comparison tables, meat... -
August 2019 End of Month red meat export reports
These tables provide a further breakdown of red meat exports in six formats: exports by state, exports by destination, by load port across Australia, comparison tables, meat...