8 datasets found

Groups: Environment Tags: opencouncildata

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  • Corangamite Shire Garbage Collection Zones

    Polygons representing Corangamite Waste collection zones. Each feature contains information on the bin type and day it is to be collected. Whilst every effort is made to ensure...
  • Manningham Street Trees

    Spatial data showing the location of street trees within Manningham City Council. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is...
  • Street cleaning in City of Yarra

    Our aim is to make Yarra a clean and pleasant place for our residents to live. This data asset has information about sweeping and loose litter removal across residential roads,...
  • City of Yarra significant trees

    This data asset is a listing of significant trees within the Yarra municipality that have been identified and assessed (against defined categories) as having scientific, social,...
  • Dumped waste at City of Yarra

    This data asset has information about collected waste after illegal dumping has occurred within the Yarra municipality. The details of illegally dumped waste include date and...
  • City of Yarra street and park trees

    This data asset is a listing of publicly maintained street and park trees, with data on the location, tree species, tree diameter, maturity level, perception of health and other...
  • Corangamite Shire Street and Park Trees

    Point data for location of trees in Corangamite Shire. Attributes include lattitude, longitude, diameter at breast height (dbh), Height, crown width, botanical name, common name...
  • Corangamite Shire Bins

    Locations of the public bins located in the main townships of Corangamite. Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is expressed or...
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