Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0
This is a superseded dataset, the current Forest's of Australia (2023) dataset can be found at: https://www.agriculture.gov.au/abares/forestsaustralia/forest-data-maps-and-... -
About My Region - Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2016
ABARES has produced the 2016 update to the About My Region reports. Based on the regional boundaries set by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ASGS SA4 regions), each regional... -
Australian forest profiles: 2016
Overview The Australian forest profiles series is a collection of eight fact sheets comprising an overview profile of Australia's forests and profiles of the seven main native... -
About My Region - Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in South Australia and South Australia - Outback, 2016
ABARES has produced profiles of the agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries for South Australia and the South Australia - Outback region. These profiles present an... -
About My Region - Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in Tasmania, 2016
ABARES has produced a profile of the agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries for Tasmania as part of a series for regions across Australia. The profile presents an... -
About My Region - profiles of agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries by regions of Australia April 2015
ABARES has produced a series of individual profiles of the agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries for 48 regions around Australia, together with 8 state and territory... -
About My Region - profiles of agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries by regions of Australia December 2014
ABARES has produced a series of individual profiles of the agricultural, forestry and fisheries industries for 48 regions around Australia, together with 8 state and territory... -
Australia's forests at a glance 2015
Australia's Forests at a Glance 2015 is a pocket-book compendium of data and information about Australia's native forests and industrial plantations. Much of the data is current... -
Climatic suitability of Australia's production forests for myrtle rust
Myrtle rust disease has caused defoliation and death of trees of rainforest species in New South Wales and Queensland, and has also been responsible for significant damage to...