Area-based Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) projects
This dataset identifies the project boundaries for registered Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) area based projects. Area based projects are generally savanna burning and... -
Cyclone Seroja DRFA Activated LGAs April 2021
These Local Government Areas (LGA) have been declared disaster areas and activated under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) due to... -
Cyclone Seroja DRFA Activated LGAs April 2021
These Local Government Areas (LGA) have been declared disaster areas and activated under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) due to... -
Koala records for twenty years to 2014
Data provided for the 2019 GovHack event. Koala records for twenty years to 2014 -
Coastal Hazards (Inundation) (NP2020)
Maps, data and explanatory files for coastal inundation hazards. -
1% AEP Flood Extent - North Central CMA region Victoria
Estimated 1% Annual Exceedance Probability Flood Extent for the north central region of Victoria -
NSW and Southern QLD Flood DRFA Activated LGAs March 2021
These Local Government Areas (LGA) have been declared disaster areas and activated under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for Category... -
Townsville Yellow Crazy Ant Treatment Areas
The Townsville Yellow Crazy Ant Treatment Areas dataset is a representation of the Yellow Crazy Ant treatment zone in Alligator Creek derived from inspections and collected GPS... -
ABARES Drought Risk by Farm Profit
This layer displays the percentage of drought risk by Farm Profit by ABARES AAGIS (Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industry Survey) regions as determined by Australian... -
Koala tracking data to 2013
Koala tracking data mapping provided here for use in the GovHack 2019 event -
ABARES Drought Risk by Household Income
This layer displays the percentage of drought risk by household income by ABARES AAGIS (Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industry Survey) regions as determined by Australian... -
Environmental mapping dataset
Environmental mapping dataset -
Brimbank Open Space Trees
This table outlines all Brimbank City Council’s open space trees. It shows the tree's location as well as other attributes of the trees such as genus, species, common-name,...